
短編小説 | ザ・スナイパー | The Sniper (日英対訳)





















🎵No one knows, no one should know~ Who is Devilman~ Can't say anything~ Can't talk about it~ Who is Devilman~🎵

 In my mind, the melody of "Today as well, somewhere Devilman" is playing 24/7. Every time I meet someone, there are moments when I can't help but want to reveal my true identity.

 While I have opportunities to meet and talk with people, I cannot reveal my real name. My official records are also fabricated. Relatives and parents, since I chose this profession, I will never meet them again. I truly cannot tell anyone anything about myself.

 However, humans are unable to keep secrets locked away in their hearts forever. Today, I will open up and talk about myself in a candid way. But it won't be a completely honest story. I will sprinkle in some fiction. Without doing so, I cannot continue living. Please forget everything I say immediately after you finish listening. Of course, there are many lies mixed in as well.

 Without further ado, let me talk about myself. I am a Japanese spy trained in sniper techniques. In reality, it's different, but for simplicity, you can think of me as Golgo 13. For now, consider me as a female Golgo.

 I am a "spy". Officially, my status is that of a government official. However, the job that people imagine when they hear the word "spy" is quite different from what I do.

 The activities spies like me carry out, like infiltrating a certain country and conducting espionage, rarely involve infiltrating the heart of the nation's central government. What we spies do before making connections is quite mundane.
When you hear "espionage", you may imagine it involves "finding secrets" or "exposing secrets". That's not the case. It's different.

 First, what spies do before infiltrating a certain country is to master its language. 24/7, we drill the language of that certain country into our minds. Even while sleeping, we are constantly listening. Depending on the person, if they study for 24 hours every day for six months, they can master any language.

 After acquiring language skills that are on par with someone who has infiltrated the certain country, there's another thing we do. This may surprise ordinary people, but we thoroughly read the local newspapers. We also keep scrapbooks of important articles.

 You may think, "How primitive in an age with the internet!" However, all important matters appear in official statements. By analyzing these official statements alone, we can obtain a substantial amount of information. By reading them carefully, inconsistencies become apparent. We can clearly see what the government is hiding.

 Next, what we spies do is thoroughly read the classical masterpieces of the target country. Amateur may say, "What's the point of reading classical works to spy on the current state of a certain country?" However, by delving into the "ideologies and ways of thinking" that lie at the bottom of its people's hearts through their classical works, we can understand the current state deeply.

 I am Japanese, but for someone trying to spy on Japan, it would be thoroughly reading "Kojiki" and "Nihon Shoki". The usage of words like "nampa" and "gyaku-nan" may be easily understood if you know about Izanami and Izanagi.
These systematic and diligent tasks are the main responsibilities of spies like us.

 I'll stop here for today.
 Lastly, let me share my appearance with the readers who have made it this far.

Beautiful, G-cup, slightly chubby.

Whether you believe it or not is up to you.


