
Don't brag about things that happened over 10 years ago !!

Don't brag about things that happened over 10 years ago!!

 Bragging and self-esteem.
 Both are indeed related to "pride", but they are slightly different in nuances.
 In my opinion, bragging shows itself when you talk about your personal past achievements, especially those that others don't want to hear about, such as bragging about your test rankings or the high exam scores of your alma mater.

 On the other hand, self-esteem is something you keep to yourself, a mental function necessary to encourage yourself during tough times.

 When reading articles on social media, it's amusing and painful to see people who can only belittle others by bringing up their past achievements. These are the people who say things like:
"These days, people are just fools. They are lacking in reading comprehension. They don't read books." And then they continue with sentences like "I graduated from a prestigious university" or "I was good at writing essays" or "I've read thousands of books." It's extremely tiresome and irritating to read.

 If you truly believe that the reading comprehension of people nowadays has really declined, then you should provide evidence showing the differences between the past and the present.

 It's meaningless to bring up your own bragging without presenting proper evidence. If you want to boast, just do it without involving unrelated others.

 Generally speaking, people who brag about their own past achievements are disliked. Truly amazing people don't talk about how amazing they are. The ones proclaiming "amazing!" about someone are always other people, not the person him- or herself.

 As we enter middle age and approach retirement, we naturally realize that the happiness we feel has nothing to do with our educational background, such as which high school or university we graduated from. 

 Perhaps people who constantly send out messages calling themselves amazing and calling others "fools!" don't actually have conversations with others in their daily lives. Those who only know how to absorb knowledge through watching videos, reading social media articles, or books are unfortunate.

 Someone might argue back, "What? How do you learn something with neither reading nor watching anything?" We all know the answer to the question without needing to point it out. If you don't understand, then I would reverse the question and ask how you've been living your life up until now. 




文法をイメージでとらえること、文学の英語など。大人の学び直しの英語教科書。 エッセイも多く含みます。初級者から上級者まで、英語が好きな人が…

