
BBC英語ニュースmemo | 釈放されたロシア反政府活動家、プーチン氏への恩赦嘆願に署名拒否

オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan

■ dissident | 反政府活動家

a person who strongly disagrees with and publicly criticizes a government or the official rulings of a group or organization. 名詞として「反体制派」「反対者」「反乱分子」。形容詞で「意見を異にする」「反体制の」。
Two Russian dissidents released in a prisoner swap on Thursday have said they refused to sign a petition for mercy to be sent to Russian President Vladimir Putin as requested by prison officials.

■ a drop in the ocean | 大海の一滴

a very small amount compared to the amount needed. a drop in the bucketとも。
While Mr Pivovarov argued the latest swap was a "sign of light" for them that release was possible, Mr Kara-Murza said the exchange was a "drop in the ocean, because so many innocent people who've never committed a crime in their life are being held in torturous conditions".

■ recounted | 明らかにした

recountは「to describe how something happened, or to tell a story.」。数え直すという意味だけではなく、「詳しく話す」「物語る」「列挙する」。
He recounted how, sitting on the plane out of Russia, a man he identified as a government agent told him it was the last time he would see his homeland.


