★タイトル title★
心から感謝します 2018年
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 2018
★コンセプト concept★
I drew for the 2018 Spring Greeting Card Exhibition.
テーマは「Thank you」と「Happy」。The theme is "Thank you" and "Happy".
I drew a matcha cake with the theme of "thank you" for the sake of a once-in-a-lifetime meeting.
★ストーリー story★
There is a delicious cake shop in the neighborhood. The gentle and tender taste makes people who eat it happy.
そのケーキ屋さんの抹茶ケーキからこの絵の着想を得ました。I got the idea for this picture from the cake shop's matcha cake.
Spring, the season for meeting and parting.
出会えた感謝を込めて大切な人に送るカードを作りたいな、と想い、ケーキの美味しさを再現できるように描きました。I wanted to make a card that I would send to my loved ones with the gratitude that I met, and I drew it so that the deliciousness of the cake could be reproduced.
A medium that matches the texture is used to bring out the clarity of the fruit, the smoothness of the cream, and the grittyness of the sponge cake.