to be a poet, or, to chant the spell of Porcus-Furca-Ignominosa

It is perhaps a very dangerous habit,

for a poet trying to become at once a theoretical physicist, a mathematician and a cognitive scientist at this day and age.

these trades demand the death of privacy,

and privacy is the currency of literary language.

if you attempt to trade with modern science without knowing how art of economics and value of scientific assets work

your language of privacy would be indefinitely depreciated,

and the result is a bad poet with hack scientific terms all round the sentences that make both laymen and professionals suffocating.

no inspired a priori insight would grant you access to actual research-based scientific knowledge and mathematical learnings

poets are not polymaths and sages, poets are just craftsmen of private languages.

without recognizing our limits, not only would you suffer mediocracy, your own ability to express yourself would be destroyed by words and concepts you stole and half-understood

it is the age of enlightenment, and the world values intellectuals with scientific learnings and that are down-to-business.

they want to trust in them, be led by them, invest in what visions they have for the universe.

do not be tempted to that path which is called becoming a prophet of the profane.

become a poet of the profane instead, you do not need science and philosophy to write in your own language. being poetic meaning to make sense of the world in your own term.

do not try to become another Jesus of Nazareth or Budda.

(this is not what becoming a poet and writing poetry means, it is not to earn divinity like earning a salary or winning a lottery ticket)

do not yield to the temptation to speak eternal and changeless truth like a divinity.

you will not be able to speak, at best you could speak plain facts and big words, and confuse yourself with unsolved data-mysteries beyond your understanding---and you will not understand them if you do not dedicate yourself to their unveiling through actual science or philosophy.

Not Debates, Not winning through verbal Eloquence, but uncovering mysteries through dedication to sciences, and philosophy probably. But no one knows for sure how the heck does one advance philosophy with metaphysics being such an outdated way to ascertain truths.

The uni I went to (and quitted) for cognition science are all Empiricists from the tradition of Hume. I have had friends who say the same that for their informatics department, empirical philosophies had almost replaced all platonic idealisms, German idealisms, existentialisms. etc.. in the guiding paradigm. They do like to talk about these subjects outside their work but sciences are now just sciences, empirical, data-based or model-based.

And please, focus on poetry instead of this kind of philosophical or scientific mysticism that is edging on new age quackeries.

These learnings can be helpful, but only when you use them in your private language in poetry. And this is at most "poetic truth" or "truth of exultation", that is based on justice it does to human instincts and desires.

Science as a subject must be removed from such things.

Yes, probably scientific researches have more market value and will dominate politics in the future than what a published poet has to say, unless we have a modern Dante or Homer.

But I mean we also have Hollywood and bedtime novels, it is a competitive world.

But please do not try to make your writing worth more by adding those big words and mystic concepts you grabbed from a popular science book or Freud.

Outdated or pseudoscientific, those jargons just makes everyone harder to understand you and harder to be pleased.

And plz do not try to write an academic essay based on fantastic elements you read from Plato.

You are a poet, you have artistic license. Instead of convincing everyone you are telling a scientific truth, you should convince them you are lying with these mysteries, and these lies are so beautiful that even though they are false, they are worth shedding tears for.

Do not tell the truth as a poet, tell the vilest lies that move the heart. Language is your tool to seduce. Do not presume the station of a prophet or priest. Your tool is a whip. You work on charms, spells and illusions. Yes, poets are scoundrels. We show grand lies so people get drunk on it, and get a hangover next morning. Then they would realize it was a bad dream, and the truth laid bare by disillusion of morning hangover would besiege them, in such quantity they'd be almost choked to death. They know the truth already, they only need to know the lies to tell the difference, and discern the sublime and infinite from the mundane. That is why they need a good deal of whipping, and some inviting alcohol to get drunk.

The greatest archetype of Poet is that of a rogue rebelling against any established ideal.

William Blake's Orc. He is the patron saint of modern poetry. If you want to write better, consider the irony that a rogue of all things, is locked up in a subterrain Cave, constantly whipped by Urizen's Eternal Reason, but fed on scant bread and water brought by his daughters Good Senses, out of pity---or maybe lust for his virility----of a chained and suffering animal like a penned, humane pig.

And yet he does not say eloquent things, but howl in that subterranean Cavern like a woman giving birth each and every night---and this gave bad reputation to Hell as being a place of all the heaving Labour.

And if the groan of that pig can reach human hearts, then he does not suffer in vain. This is the same for a poet.
