
麻布大学2018年・英文法語法問題演習【江南ネクサス英語塾 過去問】


A: It's been very hot. Let's go to the beach this weekend.
B: I (  ) the idea.
① attend ② second ③ include ④ decide

A: (  ) Tim is not coming with us?
B: He's going out with Susie.
① What make ② Why get ③ When take ④ How come

A: John seems to (  ) in his business.
B: Yes. That's why he's looking for a new job.
① fail ② have failed ③ keep ④ have kept

A: The thermometer (  ) 36°C.
B: No wonder the children came back from the park drenched in sweat.
① reads ② sees ③ writes ④ looks

A: It's a beautiful day today, isn't it?
B: I feel (       ) somewhere. Why don't we go for a drive?
① to go like ② like to go ③ to like going
④ like going

A: Thank you very much for coming all the (  ) to see us.
B: How glad I am to see you!
① pass ② road ③ street ④ way


A: It’s been very hot. Let’s go to the beach this weekend. B: I ( ) the idea. 解答:② second 解説:「I second the idea」は、「その考えに賛成だ」という意味です。他の選択肢は文脈に合わないため、最も適切な選択肢は②です。

A: ( ) Tim is not coming with us? B: He’s going out with Susie. 解答:④ How come 解説:「How come」は、「なぜ〜なのか?」という疑問を表すフレーズです。この文脈では、Timが一緒に来ない理由を尋ねていますので、④が最も適切です。

A: John seems to ( ) in his business. B: Yes. That’s why he’s looking for a new job. 解答:② have failed 解説:「John seems to have failed in his business」は、「ジョンはビジネスで失敗したようだ」という意味です。Bの返答から、ジョンが新しい仕事を探している理由がビジネスの失敗であることがわかります。

A: The thermometer ( ) 36°C. B: No wonder the children came back from the park drenched in sweat. 解答:① reads 解説:「The thermometer reads 36°C」は、「温度計が36度を示している」という意味です。他の選択肢は文脈に合わないため、最も適切な選択肢は①です。

A: It’s a beautiful day today, isn’t it? B: I feel ( ) somewhere. Why don’t we go for a drive? 解答:④ like going 解説:「I feel like going somewhere」は、「どこかに行きたい気分だ」という意味です。他の選択肢は文法的に不適切なため、最も適切な選択肢は④です。

A: Thank you very much for coming all the ( ) to see us. B: How glad I am to see you! 解答:④ way 解説:「Thank you very much for coming all the way to see us」は、「わざわざ私たちに会いに来てくれて、本当にありがとう」という意味です。他の選択肢は文脈に合わないため、最も適切な選択肢は④です。

