
【英語で読書感想文】The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom ミッチ・アルボム『天国の五人』

Title: The Five People You Meet In Heaven
Author: Mitch Albom

I picked up “The Five People You Meet In Heaven” because so many of my favorite booktubers and bookstagrammers praised and recommended it. After reading this book, I recommend it to English learners because it is less than 200 pages long and easy to read with mostly plain English. Of course, the story is enjoyable!

At the beginning of the story, Eddie, the protagonist, died on his 83rd birthday in a tragic accident. He found himself in heaven and was told that he would meet five people there. These five had met Eddie at some point in his life, but they were not necessarily close to him.

I liked the idea that the five people are unexpected. Each person was deeply connected to Eddie’s life but he didn’t even know the facts. Chapter by chapter, we followed Eddie’s life story with these people and learned some life lessons from them. Like many other people, Eddie experienced so many hardships throughout his whole life, but at the end of the story, the author gave us new perspectives about what a good life is. Honestly, I didn’t like the third person’s episode but despite that, I would say this story is very well-written.

All in all, it was another happy read. Even though it was not perfect, I absolutely adored the very last line of this book!



