私がこの構造主義とかいう堅苦しい概念を知るきっかけになったのは、この「COTEN RADIO」というYoutubeチャンネルです。何でこれを観始めたのか忘れましたが、たぶんおすすめか何かで入ってきたんだと思います。結構長いコンテンツなのですが、面白すぎて一気に最後まで見通してしまいました。今日の雑記は、そのチャンネルの中でメインパーソナリティの方がお話しされていた印象的な言葉を取り上げてみます。
A few days ago, I heard this guy said that our conscious is like an OS which can be installed to our mind structure. OS? No, we are not those mass produced fungible computers. We are the human, must be having different background and different mind each others. All the souls are originated in ourselves, so we believe. What do you think? "Well, listen", so this guy keeps go on, "what if our souls never elude the effection of permanent wave coming from social structure?"
I couldn't ignore its idea. I wanted to let it go, but I couldn't. Because it reminded me those transitions in my life. Maybe as like lot of people all over the world, twenties, thirties, forties...I kind of seemed to be gradually subsumed into something what to be. Where is the man who's always thinking the unknown towns to move for nothing, always ready to get rid of everything he got like a room, job, and family and friends? I just can't believe its changes. A diffenent mind in a different man. And I came to know it's not me that changed the first, but the circumstances. I married, that's the point, and after that, all the structures worked the way different as before. The different framework makes different shape inside. A kid, morgage loan, property tax, broken wiper of a car, weed pulling and snow shoveling. Sometime, there were repulsions, oppositions, going forward and backward, but somehow I coped it. So I was to changed. OS had been re-installed. A crafty way to say. But it seemed to explain what had happened. I can find the old trace, old sign of old OS, but can't integrate them to work again. Sad? Hmm, I even don't know how I feel. Maybe that's what OS installing mean.