荷物をミニマルにしてから、アンパッキングが好きになった。 #英語日記


持っていく荷物をミニマルにしてから、アンパッキングが好きになった。 溜まった洗濯物を片付けて、お昼にそうめんを食べた。 欲しかったサンダルをゲット、もっと早く買えばよかった。



Since I tried change my travel items to minimal, I like unpacking.
I washed many clothes, and I made Somen for lunch.
At noon, I got to buy the sandal though, I thought I should be bought more fast.




Since I tried change my travel items to minimal, I like unpacking.
I washed many clothes, and I made Somen for lunch.
At noon, I got to buy the sandal though, I thought I should be bought more fast.


Since I started packing minimally, I’ve come to like unpacking.
→ "tried change" ではなく "started" や "began" を使い、"to minimal" ではなく "minimally"(ミニマルに)という副詞を使います。また、"I’ve come to like" は「好きになる」というニュアンスを持ち、より自然です。

I did my laundry and had somen for lunch.
→ "I washed many clothes" よりも "I did my laundry"(洗濯をした)のほうが自然です。また、"made" よりも "had"(食べた)が食事に関して一般的な表現です。

I finally got the sandals I wanted, and I wish I had bought them sooner.
→ "At noon" の部分は意味がはっきりしないので省略し、"got to buy the sandal" ではなく "got the sandals I wanted"(欲しかったサンダルを手に入れた)にしました。"I thought I should be bought" は文法的に誤りなので、"I wish I had bought them sooner" に変えました。これで「もっと早く買えばよかった」という意味になります。


Since I started packing minimally, I’ve come to like unpacking.
I did my laundry and had somen for lunch.
I finally got the sandals I wanted, and I wish I had bought them sooner.

解説:"Since I tried change" → "Since I started" のほうが自然で、"to minimal" ではなく "minimally"(ミニマルに)という副詞を使います。
"I washed many clothes" よりも "I did my laundry" というフレーズがよく使われます。また、"made" は料理を作るときの表現ですが、"had" は食べ物について言うときにもっと自然です。
"I got to buy the sandal though, I thought I should be bought" は文法的に誤りです。正確な表現は "I finally got the sandals I wanted"(欲しかったサンダルを手に入れた)と、"I wish I had bought them sooner"(もっと早く買えばよかった)です。



Since I started packing minimally, I’ve come to like unpacking.
I did my laundry and had somen for lunch.
I finally got the sandals I wanted, and I wish I had bought them sooner.


I’ve come to like

I’ve come to

I did my laundry

I got the sandals

I wish I had bought them sooner

I wish I had...



Since I started packing minimally, I’ve come to like unpacking.
修正案: "Since I started packing light, I’ve grown to enjoy unpacking."
解説: "Packing light" は「荷物を少なくまとめる」という意味で、日常会話でよく使われます。"Grown to enjoy" は「好きになる」という意味合いを自然に表現した言い回しです。

I did my laundry and had somen for lunch.
修正案: "I did my laundry and had somen for lunch."
解説: この文は特に変更の必要がなく、シンプルで自然です。"Did my laundry" は「洗濯をした」という標準的な表現です。

I finally got the sandals I wanted, and I wish I had bought them sooner.
修正案: "I finally got the sandals I wanted, and I wish I’d bought them sooner."
解説: "I wish I’d bought them sooner" は「もっと早く買っていればよかった」と過去の後悔を表現するフレーズで、より口語的で自然な表現です。


