A common misunderstanding in job hunting is choosing based on salary alone, rather than on whether you can enjoy the work. Leading industries are changing with the times, and if you don't do what you love, you will definitely regret it.
※「間違い」を「誤解」としました。「花形産業」= leading industriesは先頭を走っている業界をイメージ。
What separates famous TV personalities from regular ones is how much they strive to become a household name. Of course, hard work is important, but it's the level of ambition and how far ahead they can see that truly make the difference.
※「売れたい」は、「お茶の間のだれもが知る名前= a household name」、「努力= hard work」と解釈。
People often live based on false beliefs. Then, why not just convince yourself that you like what you're doing? ... In fact, false beliefs can be used to make life more meaningful.
※作家、浅田次郎氏の言葉。「思い込み」をfalse beliefs「誤った信念」に。
I believe humans are creatures that express themselves, and one of the ways they do this is through work. ... What do you want to achieve through the work? That’s the core, the foundation of who you are. I believe that those who have a strong core and understand their relationship with their work can produce great results.
※「自分自身の根っこ」をthe core, the foundation of who you areと解釈。
Human potential ultimately lies in mental strength. Knowing this, physical limits pale in comparison. When we reach the limit of our physical capacity, it is then that our mental power comes into play to enhance our abilities.
※「最終的には」をultimately「究極的には」に。physical limits pale in comparison「肉体的限界は何もないに等しい」とは、肉体的な限界が他のもの(特に精神的な力や能力)と比べると、重要でない、または大したことではないの意。
People today live to be 80 years old. However, few have their names remembered, except for those who have done something so great that their names will remain in history. This means there is no proof they were ever truly alive
※「生きている証」はproof (that) they were ever truly alive.「本当にかつて存在していた証拠」に。
The worst thing you can do is hold on to something or someone just to go with the flow, trying not to make any waves. Luck will never come to you that way. Money doesn’t like lonely places. It prefers places where it can have fun. So, neither luck nor money will come to a place where people aren’t enjoying themselves
※「他力本願で今を我慢する」hold on to someone just to go with the flow, trying not to make any waves.「荒波を立てず、流れにまかせるために誰かにしがみつく」としました。「運も逃げる」はLuck will never come to you.に。
I was 55 years old when I started my own business. But I believe people start aging when they become defensive. If we lose our curiosity or avoid taking chances, those are warning signs. Life becomes boring if you don't feel thrilled or excited.
※「リスクを避ける」をavoid taking chancesに。この表現は、何かに挑戦することや危険を伴う行動を避ける、つまり安全策を取ることを意味します。「危ないね」は、those are warning signs「それらは警告を知らせるサイン」に。