
英文速読 初級-46

 Compared with other countries, the United States is such a young country that it is no match for Europe and Asia in things that are admired because they are old. Perhaps that is why ‘’big’’ makes a great difference in America. After all, each nation attaches importance to values such as ‘’old’’ or ‘’big’’ so as to provide the people with an ideal with which they can identify their nation or nationality.
  The Japanese, by contrast, admire things that are small. Consider ‘’bonsai,’’ or the traditional Japanese garden which aims at the creation of the world in a small amount of space. The *geographical limitations of their nation may have had an influence on the Japanese. They prefer ‘’small’’ to ‘’big,’’ which is very surprising to us Americans.
 In the case of America, from the beginning of its history, it seemed a nation with unlimited space. Actually, now that the country has filled up and areas around large cities are often crowded with people and traffic, the situation of unlimited space may not hold true of the present America, but the myth of the present America, but the myth the unlimited space goes on. Once a myth has started, a long time has to go by before it fades away.
 In America, show business and advertising have also pushed forward the idea that ‘’big’’ is of value. America filmmakers, in particular, like to boast of their enormous production costs and show off large-scale scenes.

 Compared with other countries, the United States is such a young country /that it is no match for Europe and Asia /in things that are admired /because they are old. Perhaps *that is why ‘’big’’ makes a great difference in America. After all, each nation attaches importance to values such as ‘’old’’ or ‘’big’’ /*so as to provide the people with an ideal /with which they can identify their nation or nationality.

 *that is why~ 「そういうわけで〜」 *so as to~ 「〜するために」


  The Japanese, by contrast, admire things that are small. Consider ‘’bonsai,’’ or the traditional Japanese garden /which aims at the creation of the world /in a small amount of space. The geographical limitations of their nation may have had an influence on the Japanese. They prefer ‘’small’’ to ‘’big,’’ which is very surprising to us Americans.


 America, from the beginning of its history, it seemed a nation with unlimited space. Actually, now that the country has filled up and areas around large cities are often crowded with people and traffic, the situation of unlimited space may not hold true of the present America, but the myth of unlimited space goes on. Once a myth has started, a long time has to go by before it fades away.

ると長い時間が経過する必要がある. それが消滅するまで。

 In America, show business and advertising have also pushed forward the idea /that ‘’big’’ is of value. America filmmakers, in particular, like to boast of their enormous production costs and show off large-scale scenes.

