英文速読 初級-25
When we have a holiday in prospect, we make plans in advance in order that we may know where to go and what to do, and get everything ready for it. If we don’t do this, the greater part of the holidays is wasted. The same holds true of our spare time.
It is a good thing to make a list of books which you want to read at your own convenience. You may choose books for yourself, or have your friends recommend them.
At any rate, make it a rule to have a few books at hand which you are anxious to read. I think those who are not in the habit of doing so lose pleasure of reading when the spare evening or the long railway journey or the rainy days comes.
The habit planning is no less essential to the finding of real pleasure in reading than it is to the other pleasures of life such as travelling.
When we have a holiday in prospect, we make plans /in advance /in order that we may know where to go and what to do, and get everything ready for it. If we don’t do this, the greater part of the holidays is wasted. The same *holds true of our spare time.
*hold true of〜=〜に当てはまる
It is a good thing /to make a list of books /which you want to read at your own convenience. You may choose books for yourself, or have your friends recommend them.
At any rate, *make it a rule to have a few books at hand which you are anxious to read. I think /those who are not in the habit of doing so lose pleasure of reading /when the spare evening or the long railway journey or the rainy days comes.
*make it a rule to=常に〜する
The habit planning is *no less essential to the finding of real pleasure in reading than it is to the other pleasures of life /such as travelling.
*no less ~than…=…と同様~だ