
英文速読 初級-37

 One thing that Japan and the U.S. face in common is an aging population. This is because of falling birth rates and better medical care. The aged in Japan now make up about 11% of the population, but this figure will rise to 25% by the year 2025, seven percentage points higher than in the U.S.
 To care for the aged, both Japan and America will have to deal with higher costs for health care and pensions. This will be a burden on younger workers with respect to taxes and so forth. Japan will be shorter of labor than the U.S., for America takes in a large number of immigrants each year. Japan may also be compelled to accept plenty of foreign workers.
 As japan becomes an aging society, it will have to make new choices. Will Japan move in the direction of a European-style welfare country? Who is it that will look after the aged? Who in the world will be in charge of the hospital and nursing homes for the aged? 
 As for health care and pensions, Japan now spends about 41% of its national income on them. Some economists say that this figure will amount to 60% or higher by the year 2020. This will do serious damage to the nation’s economy. Above all, it will put pressure on the private savings which were used in the past for economic investment.

  One thing that Japan and the U.S. face in common /is an aging population. This is because of falling birth rates and better medical care. The aged in Japan now make up about 11% of the population, but this figure will rise to 25%/ by the year 2025, seven percentage points higher than in the U.S.


 To care for the aged, both Japan and America will have to deal with higher costs /for health care and pensions. This will be a burden on younger workers/ with respect to taxes and so forth. Japan will be shorter of labor than the U.S., for America takes in a large number of immigrants each year. Japan may also be compelled to accept plenty of foreign workers.


 As japan becomes an aging society, it will have to make new choices. Will Japan move in the direction of a European-style welfare country? Who is it /that will look after the aged? Who in the world will be in charge of the hospital and nursing homes for the aged? 


 As for health care and pensions, Japan now spends about 41% of its national income on them. Some economists say that this figure will amount to 60% or higher /by the year 2020. This will do serious damage to the nation’s economy. Above all, it will put pressure on the private savings /which were used in the past for economic investment.

