英文速読 中級-48
You are on your way to a concert. At an intersection, you encounter a group of people, all staring at the sky. Without even thinking about it, you look upwards, too. Why? Social proof. In the middle of the concert, when the soloist is giving an excellent performance, someone begins to clap and suddenly the whole room joins in. You do, too. Why? Social proof. After the concert you go to the coat check to pick up your coat. You watch how the people in front of you place a coin on a plate, even though, officially, the service is included in the ticket price. What do you do? You probably leave a coin as well. Why? Social proof.
Social proof, sometimes roughly termed the herd instinct, dictates that individuals feel they are behaving correctly when they act the same as other people. In other words, if a large number of people follow a certain idea, others will find this idea truer or better. And the more people who display a certain behavior, the more appropriate others will judge it. This is, of course, ridiculous Social proof is the evil behind economic bubbles and stock market panic. It exists in fashion, management techniques, hobbies, religion and diets. In some cases, it can even negatively affect whole cultures.
You are on your way to a concert. At an intersection, you encounter a group of people, all staring at the sky. Without even thinking about it, you look upwards, too. Why? Social proof. In the middle of the concert, when the soloist is giving an excellent performance, someone begins to clap and suddenly the whole room joins in. You do, too. Why? Social proof. After the concert you go to the coat check /to pick up your coat. You watch /how the people in front of you place a coin on a plate, even though, officially, the service is included /in the ticket price. What do you do? You probably leave a coin as well. Why? Social proof.