ニューヨークフェロー滞在記10/8-10/11 |NY Fellow Diary 8th OCT-11th OCT
10/8 ニューヨーク先住民の日
私は、誰かが "I "の代わりに "We "を使うのが好きではない。今日、多くの人が「私たち」と主張している。私の経験では、'We'は常に'I'を抑圧する。しかし、彼らの言う "We "はそうではない。植民地化された人々としての「私たち」?無視された人々としての『私たち』?なぜ彼らは'We'を躊躇なく使えるのか?私は自分のコミュニティ(日本人、東京の演劇人、異性愛者の男性、飛鳥山在住、あるいはその他のアイデンティティ)を代表していないから、そういう使い方はできない。
10/8 Indigenous Peoples Day NYC
To Randall's Island by bike to see Indigenous Peoples Day NYC.
It is Pow Wow for Native American people(not only North America but all over America and Porinecian) but more small gathering as I expected.
There are many dances and music by indigenous community. Before each show, there is advocacy by indigenous activists. One Mestizo woman's advocacy that is reflecting from her family history to current situation was really touched. She refrained from saying 'We are here' several times. They might think they are ignored.
I met with Leilli, Machi, Qingmei, and Rocky. According to the explanation of Leilli, 9th of Oct is Columbus day that celebrates Columbus's 'discovery of New Continent'. That's why indigenous people started to protest this celebration. On this weekend, many tribe have show and advocate and chill and hangout in order to make strong tie of indigenous community. So the character of this event is more like innner community. Someone said 'tomorrow there is a big parade in Manhattan, so we don't go out this island'.
I need to know about decolonization. Of course I know how crucial it is. But I think to myself that I don't have the core of that idea. That's why I can't understand identity politics. Even sometimes I think identity politics makes only divides. When me and Qingmei and Rocky waiting for the bus to I house;
Q:Is there an idea of decolonization in Japan?
Y:There is. But not really
R:Because you are colonizer
I don't really like when someone uses 'We' instead of 'I'. Today, many people advocate their statement as we. In my experience, 'We' always oppress 'I'. But their way of 'We' isn't like that. 'We' as colonized people? 'We' as ignored people? Why can they use 'We' without hesitation? I can't use it like that because I don't represent my community(Japanese, Theater maker in Tokyo, heterosexual male, resident of Asukayama or any other identity).
I might I(or the group that I belong) never become a victim (by simple meaning).
10/9 コロンブスデーのパレード
このパレードは、イタリア系アメリカ人のパレードがメイン(でも、ファーリンフォンのグループもある。) 先住民族がそうであったように、イタリア系アメリカ人もまた、自分たちのコミュニティの絆を保つために集まりを持たなければならない。彼らは植民地支配者なのだ。もちろん彼らに罪はないが、先祖を侵略した責任はある。
10/9 the Columbus day parade
I'd like to compare yesterday's event, so I went to the Columbus day parade on 5th ave. Different from west indian day, not really many people on the street.
This parade is mainly for the Italian American people's Parade(But there is also group a Faringfong...why?). As indigenous people did, Itarian america people also have to have gatherings in order to maintain their community's ties. They are colonizers. Of course they don't have sin but they will have responsibility for the invasion of their ancestors.
It seems that they are proud of their ancestors. That's why they need to think about what ancestors did as their children. This is similar to the Nanjing Massacre.
Btw, how a colonizer can take responsibility for the past criminal. Can they give back Manhattan? How can we achieve decolonization?
Got a sleeping pill in the drag store.
10/10 メトロポリタン美術館~パーク・アヴェニュー・アーモリー
メトロポリタン美術館の一部の展示スペースで「Radical Dance For The People」というショーが開催された。モダンダンスの創始者マーサ・グラハムのダンスが披露された。
パーク・アヴェニュー・アーモリー(とてもおしゃれな会場!)では、『ANALOG INTIMACY』を観た。でも、朗読形式のショーだったので、セリフがわからない。面白そうだったんだけど・・・。
10/10 the Metropolitan Museum ~ Park Avenue Armory
A show called 'Radical Dance For The People' was shown in some exhibition spaces of the Metropolitan Museum. Founder of modern dance Martha Graham's dance was shown in this piece.
Each show was a several minute solo dance by Martha Graham Dance Company. In front of Roman sculpture, Chinese garden and Buddhist remains, dancers dance beautiful pieces by barefoot.
I had an impression of Martha dancing in a flappy dress. But in these dances, they didn't dress like that. They wear very interesting costumes such as too tight dress, very long skirt, and cylindrical wear. These costumes become obstacles to their body and generate interesting movement. For example, when you move your arm in a cylindrical dress, the movement of the arm is linked to her back head. This tension shows her emotion more than making her arm straight.
But in the MET, I can't stop thinking about colonialism. Juxtaposed with this dance and art works in MET, they might want to expand their realm. How can we decolonize?
(in which mean?)
In Park Avenue Armory(very fancy venue!), I watched ANALOG INTIMACY. But because they had a show in reading style, I can't follow the line. It seemed interesting...
In I-house, talked with Suguru online.
前夜祭のAaron Landsmanのショーを見たかった。
10/11 ill
Get ill.
I wanted to see the show of Aaron Landsman in the prelude festival.
![Yuta Hagiwara](https://assets.st-note.com/production/uploads/images/9611852/profile_4df29d4f53bddd0459af46d07d330d8d.jpeg?width=600&crop=1:1,smart)