ニューヨークフェロー滞在記9/11-15 |NY Fellow Diary 11th-15th SEP
9月11日 スリープ・ノー・モア
願書を書いた後(願書の季節だ!)、NYPLのPerforming artsに行った。USBメモリを持っていけば無料でスキャンできると書いてあった。Deborah Hayの'Using the Sky'が欲しいのだが、機械がうまく動かない。司書の勧めで、pdfファイルを送ってくれるスキャンサービスを利用することにした。でも、著作権的に大丈夫なんでしょうか?(本全体のスキャンを頼んだが断られた。本の一部しか注文できない)。日本からでもpdfを注文できるということだ。
労働が労働と異なるのは、「死すべき生命の無益さへの耐久性」を提供する人工物の生産であるという点である(Arendt,1958, p.8)。労働は、人間の生活に永続性を与えるシェルター、建造物、組織を人々に提供する。
実際、私は主役たちについて行けなかったので、このショーにはあまり興味がなかった。 でも、そんなことはどうでもいい。
11th sep Sleep no More
Shih Yang is a quiet and nice pianist. But I think he has the most crazy mind of our fellow. When he plays piano, his mood is totally changed. You can see how crazy he is. In addition, everyday he picks up bottles to bring to the supermarket to get a discount coupon. So far, he brought 2000 bottles and got $100. I like this kind of crazy person.
After writing an application(it's the season of application!), I went to NYPL for Performing arts. I saw a description that if you bring usb memory you can scan for free. I'd like to get Deborah Hay's 'Using the Sky,' but the machine doesn't work well.v why... Librarian suggested that I use a scan service that sends me a pdf file. But is it OK in terms of copyright? (I ordered to scan the whole book but it was rejected. you can only order part of book). It means even from Japan, I can order pdf.
After the hard rain, a clear, beautiful rainbow appeared. New Yorkers are also excited about this rainbow.
Then I went to Chelsea to see the world's famous immersive show 'Sleep no More.' Some of my friends recommended that I 'see' it.
This show is held in a Hotel, and the audience follows the performers who walk around the whole building. You can't see the whole of the show but you can be a ‘witness’ to this show. The structure of this piece is three times in a night (audience can see three times), it reminds me of 'Replay' by Japanese theater company Faifai (Originally from Junnosuke Tada). In case of Faifai, I could see the tremendous possibility of theater as festival, but in sleep no more, I felt frightening of theater as labor. The more I see elaborate scenography, almost perfect dance and choreography, the more I feel the presentation of the performers more than representation. Except Tuesday night they have repetition three times. How do they feel?
This term labor has a specific meaning from German thinker Hannah Arendt. She defined labor, work, action in her major book 'Human Condition' as follow,
Labor is the human condition of sustaining our biological needs. Labor is about the means for survival.
Work differs from labor in that it is about the production of artifacts that provide “durability upon the futility of mortal life” (Arendt,1958, p. 8). Work provides people with shelters, constructions, and organizations that lendpermanence to human life.
Action, for Arendt, is “revelatory” in that the person engaging in action discloses their essential being to others (p. 180). A crucial element of action is the fact that the end is unknown at the time of acting. In action, the end is “not pursued but lies in the activity itself” (p. 206).
In her classification, to make art or to play theater is divided action or work. But I couldn't feel that it is not fit to both, it is labor. Audience include me, will be fascinated by space, dance and structure. This is 'production of artifacts,' 'provides people with shelters' and 'being to others.' But these are based on performer's labor as survival.
In Japanese fringe theater, theater isn't labor. It is a festive action that's why it will be staged for a limited time(or this flame makes the theater festive). Then can absorb the whole of his/her life. But in sleep no more, they don't use themselves. They just carry out their labor. Is it pleasure? I don't know. But otherwise they can't keep running this show.
Actually, because I didn’t follow the main characters, I was not really into this show. But it doesn't matter.
12日 CUNY~ジョネッドとセントラルパークでピクニック
12th sep CUNY~Picnic in Central park with Joned
Down the Hudson River, I go to CUNY to take a class of Peter Eckersall.
Today's topic is interdisciplinarity. Actually I've never learned about performance / theater studies. So this kind of class stimulated my idea. The second half of the class is a talk by the librarian about dissertation. Actually, the title of this course is 'Advanced Theatre Research'. So students take classes for their dissertation.
After the class, I talked with Peter in his office about Dumb Type. I was recently interested about Love that Teiji Furuhashi used. This utopian idea is related to the Living theater's idea of 'Paradise' (in the Paradise Now, they use the term Love). Peter talked to me about America as the place where utopian ideas and dystopian ideas live together. Here is the utopia for European founders, but at the same time it includes dystopian ideas.
And we talk about my new piece about Nanjing. Actually he works as a dramaturg. So, he asked me very crucial questions about how it works.
After CUNY, I went to Central Park to join the picnic that Joned held. He's very generous to us ACC grantees.
第13回 CUNY~愛はここにある
Here Lies LoveはDavid ByrneとFatboy Slimのミュージカルです。実は、私はこの2人に興味はないのですが、友人が勧めてくれました。
13th sep CUNY~Here Lies Love
Still thinking about Dumb Type, particularly S/N.
Actually I can't understand the 80's mood that is called 'New Academism' and the specific meaning of ‘technology’ . They use tech as a (bright) future. Also I don't understand how AIDS was shocked at that time. It might be the last time that people can pursue utopia even though there are a lot of contradictions. People could believe in the evolution of society. Even criticizing technology or consumption, their thoughts are based on similar things. Should I read Asada Akira? Critic Space? Jean Baudrillard?
Just I need to catch the mood of the 80's. It might the time believed utopia.
In this sense, AIDS panic is a two side of the coin. Behind the utopian mood, an AIDS Panic occurred. It is not only disease that can't be cured. This is the symbol of something (perhaps compensation of pleasure?). At least for Furuhashi, over ten friends were passed away for HIV and he get it. In this situation he explore about 'the future love song.'
I mean I think democracy that I'd like accurate and the idea of love is related. We (Japanese?) don't know Love. Or we invent our own Love.
Today also down the Hudson River to CUNY to talk with Peter. Actually he 's very busy but he spends time with me. We talk about Kris Verdonck, the stage that he recommended, about some popular artists and so on.
The library at CUNY is the most calm place in NY for me. I found in the library of CUNY, you can scan as much as possible. It is convenient.
It's my first time seeing the musical in broadway.
Here Lies Love is the musical by David Byrne and Fatboy Slim. Actually I don't have interest in either of them but some of my friends recommended it.
The story is the true story about Imelda Marcos who is a wife of President of Philippine Ferdinand Marcos who is famous as a dictator(Recently his son became President of Philippine). From a poor family, she climbs the class and marries Ferdinand.
This musical along with her life as wife of president. But she also relate Ferdinand's political opponent Akino. She also love him but he was assassinated in Airport when he come back to Philipine first time in 3 years.
Different from straight play, the director was very careful not only in gorgeous scenography imitating club, gorgeous light and movie, but also to use hand mic or pin mic, when it will calm, between the scene and scene. I had no expectations of this piece but for me it was more than a Public theater's piece.
The most important point of this piece is the audience seat. the first floor's audience are standing. While they are dancing to the music of Fatboy Slim, they see this show. It was very expensive so I couldn't afford it but from the mezzanine, I couldn't find why they need this direction.
The first reason is Imelda loved club and dance music. It was fun but why is it necessary it? Actually, this piece is ended by a mention about democracy. Marcos and Imerda is one of the symbol of dictatorship. Through this story, they might think about democracy. Many of the audience cheered to this message.
But what is democracy in this context?
It is known that US government also support Marcos administration before the revolution. They ignore this fact and say democracy is important. This club liked space is a metaphor for democracy. People can act by himself. But immersive theater is more violate than normal theater. They were forced to acted. In the end, the music was folk music, not dance music. In order to convey their message as democracy, they need to use authentic way and say 'democracy.' For me, it looks a bit embarrassed.
Soon after listening to the word democracy , they will cheer. They won't doubt the worth of democracy. For them the meaning of democracy is articulated. Because they ARE democracy.
It looks very problematic for me in terms of why they never rethink about democracy. It can be worth considering. From my perspective, this is an exploit to the history of the Philippines.
14日 セップ・ザ・キッチン〜サンドボックス・パーカッション
チェット 裕太、小島のトイレ知ってる?
Yuta: いや、なんで?
チェット: ここはニューヨークで一番きれいな公衆トイレだよ!日本のトイレみたいにね。
Yuta: 後で行ってみるよ。
チェット 二番目はブライアントパーク。
The New Schoolではサンドボックス・パーカッションのショーを見た。実は全然知らないんだけど、ミュージシャンのShih Yangが行くように勧めてくれたんだ。
14th sep the Kitchen ~sandbox percussion.
Chet: Yuta, do you know the restroom little island?
Yuta: No, why?
Chet: This is the most clean public toilet in NY! Like Japanese one.
Yuta: OK, I'll try later
It was really clean toilet. Best public toilet so far
Chet: Second is Bryant Park.
I'll try it later.
In the morning I talked with Mugiko, who is a producer in Nagoya Japan. Mostly we just chatted but it made me come up with some thoughts.
After that, I also had an online conversation with Beri who is a researcher in England. After the Pacific Ocean, beyond the Atlantic ocean. We talked about the workshop in Nov. What should I do?
Down the Hudson river to Greenwich Village. There is a dance show In the real gas station organized by the Kitchen. The reservation is already finished but you can see the show from outside.
The show was not good. The choreograph was too much theatrical even in the outside. It was interrupted by the sound from the city. They should use it but the structure as dance theater didn’t allow this kind of way. Each dancer was quite good, including Mina Nishimura who is a butoh background from Japan. It is better for them to use theater space instead of real gas station.
Guitar center is the most relax space for me as well as library of Cuny. Everyone can test instruments without permission. I tried five string bass. Nice.
Today I have a lot of events to see.
In The New School, I went to a show of sandbox percussion. Actually I don’t have any idea but the musician Shih Yang recommended to go.
It was a really nice show!! They use Vibraphone and Marimba and some percussions such like glass bottle, wooden box, and so on. For them marimba and vibraphone also perdition. It was similar to gamelan in Bali island or Autechre or La Señas, a Japanese percussion group or all of them. I was fascinated!!
Then I went to an event that a French institute was involved. I expected some performance but it was just a club event in a fancy bar. In Japanese there is a word BACHIGAI.
French, go to hell.
第15回 プレー・コー
15th sep the Play Co
In the morning, I chatted with Yokota-san and Sudo-kun online.
While I dance I always wear off my glasses. In the park I did as usual. But when I put it on the tree, it was filled into the hollow of tree. What???? I can’t pick it up. Fuck!!
I was really upset. I can’t see anything without glasses. But I went to the optics, the glass and flame and exam for a total of over $300, even the cheapest one. Ahhhhhh, what I did!!!
Fortunately I have sunglasses with a distance lens. I should use it the whole day. Shit. Fuck me.
With sunglasses, I went to the performance space to see the show 9 Kinds of Silence by the Play Co. They are a company that picks up mergenal playwright and director. It was Indian director.
The stage was full of sand. It might be somewhere in the south asian or middle eastern military tent. A mother investigate son who is the hero of the war but he has a PTSD and says little. So mother kept talking during the show. But in the end it was made clear they are not real mother son relations. She lost her child in the war.
It was very boring.
Mother talks to him with the same tempo and loudness. The son keeps silent, which is the main topic of this show. But actually he acts like an insane person. So his say anything doesn't mean silence. All of the time on the stage full of expressions.
Sometimes they use foreign languages but mainly they use fluent English. Is it too much of a concern that they can speak English? Is this silence fake?
I thought that the playwright wrote silence forced by American society. They need another perspective and he answers this demand. They choose political topic, but they ignored this kind of politics embedded in this show. I think it is not political theater. It might just a exploitation.