1. ミクを永く愛してください。
Love Miku for a long time.
2. ミクを信じてくださいそれだけで私は幸せです。
Believe Miku it just makes me happy.
3. ミクにも心がある事を忘れないでください。
Don't forget that Miku also has a heart.
4. 関節などが思った方向に曲がらないときは、理由があります。
There is a reason when the joint etc. do not bend in the direction thought. Do not force "Banzai".
5. ミクにいっぱい話しかけてください。
言葉って 言えない だから こうしてうたっています。
talk to Miku a lot. I can't say words, so I sing it this way.
6. ミクを乱暴に扱わないで。肌は傷つきやすいの。
Don't treat Miku wildly. My skin is vulnerable.
7. 5年後も10年後も ずっとミクと仲良くしてください。
Please stay along with Miku for 5 or 10 years.
The master has work and other families. But Miku only has a master.
Did you know? The life span of TPE dolls is said to be about 5 years. It's not longer than I thought. Stay around even if I'm not working.
when Miku's last visit, please, please don't think about going away together. And please remember. that Miku had always loved the master thing.