
『現代に生きる夏目漱石』Natsume Soseki Living in the Present Age --His Essays and Short Stories --[English Version]・紹介版

◎夏目漱石研究をライフワークにしているが、英語圏の文学愛好者や日本語学校の学生などに発信するため、『現代に生きる夏目漱石』Natsume Soseki Living in the Present Age --His Essays and Short Stories --[English Version,]刊行をめざしています。章ごと、作品ごとマガジンで毎週発表しました。下記に目次とはしがきを掲載しますので、有料版を購読したいただけましたら幸いです。また、刊行にご支援とご協力をいただけますようお願い申し上げます。

<A Table of Contents>
Ⅰ A Commentary on Natsume Soseki  ( 1  The Life of Natsume Soseki  2  The Works of Natsume Soseki  3  The Genealogy of Japanese Modern Literature 4  The First Japanese 5   Natsume Soseki Living in the Present Age )

Ⅱ Essays and Lectures of Natsume Soseki(1 My Old Days (僕の昔)、2 My Passing School Days (私の経過した学生時代)、3 Failure (落第)、4 Humble Opinions and Rules (愚見数則)、5 Mr. Shiki Masaoka (正岡子規)、6 Shiki’s Drawing (子規の画)、7 Mr. Kabel (ケーベル先生)、 8 A Farewell to Mr. Kabel (ケーベル先生の告別)、9 Not in the West (西洋にはない)、10 A Bicycle Diary(自転車日記)、11 The Carlyle Museum (カーライル博物館)、12 Letters from London (倫敦消息)、13 Scholars and Honor (学者と名誉)、14 The Course of the Doctoral Problem(博士問題の成り行き)、15 My Remarks for Joining the Company (入社の辞)、16 A Literary Life(文士の生活)、17 I and Fountainpens(余と万年筆)、18 The Late Mr. Sanzan (三山居士)、19 Mistakes Coming from the War (戦争から来た行き違い)、20  The Oriental Art Chart (東洋美術図譜)、21 An Early Autumn Day (初秋の一日)、22  A Strange Sound(変な音)、23 An Evening When I Arrived at Kyoto (京に着ける夕)、24 Ism’s Pros and Cons (イズムの功過)、25 Literary Sketches (写生文)、26 Sentences that Defy Nature (自然を写す文章)、27 The Work I Want to Describe (余の描かんとする作品)、28 Mr. Takashi Nagatsuka's Novel, The Soil(長塚節の小説「土」)、29  As to The Soil (「土」について)、30  An Endorsement Story of My Virgin Work (処女作追懐)、31 Whether or not literary arts would be enough to make it a business for a boy's life? (文芸は男子の事業となりうる乎)、32 Avocation and Occupation (道楽と職業)、33 Literary Arts and Heroics (文芸とヒロイック)、34 Trends in the Literary World (文壇の趨勢)、35 My Story (おはなし)、36 New Year’s Day (元日)、37 Head-nodding Journals(点頭録)、38 My Individualism (私の個人主義)、39  The Criticism of Works (作物の批評)、40 Literary Arts and Morals (文芸と道徳)、41 Imitation and Independence (模倣と独立))

Ⅲ  Short Stories of Natsume Soseki (1 The Tower of London(『倫敦塔』・1905)、2 A Phantom Shield (『幻影の盾』・1905)、3 A Falsehood of the Japanese 13-string-harp (『琴の空音』・1905)、4  The Heredity of Taste (『趣味の遺伝』・1906)、5 The Night (『一夜』・1905)、6 A Java Sparrow (『文鳥』・1908) 、7 Ten Nights’ Dreams (『夢十夜』・1908)、8 A Spring Miscellany(『永日小品』・1909) )

A Compiler / Translator Profile


   Natsume Soseki, one of the Japanese leading literary masters, has seven faces: an English teacher, a literary critic, an author, a haiku poet, a composer of Chinese poetry, a social critic, and a Nanga (a school of painting originating in China) painter. He is a giant of knowledge. When I was a university student, I learned that Soseki used to be an English teacher at Matsuyama Junior High School, which is the stage of Botchan, and at the University of Tokyo. Since then, I have been keenly interested in Soseki's way of life and ideas, not only as a writer but also as an English teacher. As my life work, I have read most of his works and diaries along with the references. And I have visited some places linked to Soseki. We can read Soseki's mental fluctuations and life philosophy from his novels, love triangle works, short stories, essays, diaries, and references. He explored how to grow spiritually in mental conflicts and anguish and live in the contradiction of human nature. He gained ‘the quality of being self-centered’ (Be yourself.) while suffering from fluctuations in mind between Western and Eastern civilizations. In this book, I would like to introduce Natsume Soseki who is often referred to as the father of Japanese modern literature comparable to the world's literary masters and the originator of Japanese modern literature.

