
Gokuraku−Tonbo(easygoing and indifferent person) is the strongest in a sense !

When I was a little child,maby it was in elementary school and junior high school, my parents used to call me a "gokuraku-tombo”. I was able to flow with everything and take everything in good stride, so I was enjoying my life every day.
At the time, I had no idea why they called me a dragonfly, and I wanted to tell my parents, “ Is your daughter insects?

Now that I think about it, I was a child at the time, and I think the fact that I had no worries about my future or my life contributed to my being called that, but I truly believed (and indeed I did) that I was blessed with good people all around me.

This continues to be the case today, and after decades of living, I have finally met a few people I didn't like a bit, but only a few. Naturally, I have long since moved on from those few people, and for now I continue to enjoy my life surrounded by good people, despite the small conflicts I have on a daily basis. There are many problems that I can't control, such as the current world situation and the high cost of living, but the people nearby are all good people.
Strangely enough, it comes naturally when we think that the people around us are good people.
Maybe the people around me seem to think they shouldn't do bad things. Because I think “they are a good person, I believe”. Then the people around me naturally become a good person.

It’s paradise, paradise, paradise!

My mother always changed her position and considered the other person's point of view when someone was rude to her.
She would always ask herself, "Could it be that the other person did not do this to spite me, but did it out of necessity for the sake of his (her) family? Maybe he (she) is a poor person who doesn't care enough to realize the trouble he (she) would cause me?" I felt rather sorry for the other person.
Some may think that the way I said I felt sorry for the other person was a supercilious way of saying I felt sorry for them, but I think it is safe to say that I was looking at them warmly from the perspective of a big sister, seeing them as a little girl(boy), rather than from the perspective of a superior person.
I think that when someone does something unreasonable to you, if you think that it can't be helped because you are the sister of mine, then you feel less angry.
I often think that my mother's temperament has been passed on to me. People often tell me that I am laid back because I am an Ox and a Capricorn, but I sometimes think that it is not only because I am an Ox and a Capricorn that I am laid back, but that I may have learned how not to get angry from my mother. 
This may also be a kind of mindset.Do you feel bad when someone does the same thing to you and drag it out forever, or do you let it go and stop thinking about it and accept it as it is if you can't change them?

Since one's daily life can be mentally stabilized with just one way of thinking, I don't think that to be the “Gokuraku-Tonbo” should be abandoned so much.

