
東京 銀座 3月歌舞伎とねこ展 Tokyo Ginza March Kabuki and Cat Exhibition

Traditional poster of Kabuki daytime in March
A cat exhibition is being held on the first basement floor of Kabuki-za Theatre
写真スポット ねこトリックアート
Photo spot Cat trick art
The cafe where John Lennon and Yoko Ono stopped by. With a kino Hana
Salt biscuits 100 yen.

Performance schedule

chat GTPによると


  1. 個人主義と普遍性:西洋美は、個人の感情や主観性を重視し、人間の普遍的な美意識を追求します。キリスト教の教えや人間の尊厳に基づいて、個々の人間の美しさや精神性が重要視されます。

  2. 力強さと理性:西洋美は、力強さや合理性を追求し、秩序や対称性、そして論理的な構成が美の基準とされます。ルネサンス期の芸術やバロック様式などが、この特徴をよく表しています。

  3. 進歩と革新:西洋美は、時代の変化や技術の進歩に対応して、常に新しい形式や表現方法を模索します。近代美術や現代美術では、この特徴が顕著に表れています。


  1. 自然との調和と内面の美:日本の伝統美は、自然との調和を重視し、自然の美や季節の移り変わりを表現します。また、内面の美や精神性が重要視され、物質的な美しさだけでなく、内面の豊かさや静けさが美の一部として捉えられます。

  2. 簡素さと精緻さ:日本の伝統美は、シンプルでありながらも精緻な技術や装飾が施されています。物事の無駄を削ぎ落とし、細部にわたって手の込んだ手仕事が美の一部として重視されます。

  3. 無常観と優しさ:日本の伝統美は、無常観や優しさといった仏教的な思想が影響を与えています。このため、物事の一時的な美しさや繊細さが強調され、優しさや思いやりが美の本質として捉えられます。



The photo spot of trick art was very popular with foreigners.
Kabuki is a typical story such as short songs like poetry and unforgivable love.It seems to express the mind with the body.

According to chat GTP 
The difference between Western beauty and Japanese traditional beauty comes from the background of culture, history, and philosophy. Western beauty originated from ancient Greek and Roman cultures, and has developed under the influence of Christianity, the Renaissance, and the Age of Enlightenment. On the other hand, the traditional beauty of Japan is influenced by Eastern philosophical influences such as Buddhism, Confucianism, and nature worship.

The characteristics of Western beauty are as follows:

Individualism and universality:Western beauty emphasises individual emotions and subjectivity, and pursues the universal aesthetic sense of human beings. Based on Christian teachings and human dignity, the beauty and spirituality of individual human beings are emphasised.
Strength and reason: Western beauty pursues strength and rationality, and order, symmetry, and logical composition are the standards of beauty. Renaissance art and Baroque style show this feature well.
Progress and innovation: Western beauty constantly seeks new forms and ways of expression in response to the changes of the times and technological progress. In modern art and contemporary art, this feature is prominently displayed.

On the other hand, the traditional beauty of Japan is characterised by the following points:

Harmony with nature and inner beauty: Japanese traditional beauty emphasises harmony with nature and expresses the beauty of nature and the change of seasons. In addition, inner beauty and spirituality are considered important, and not only material beauty, but also inner richness and tranquillity are regarded as part of beauty.

Simplicity and precision: Japanese traditional beauty is simple but with exquisite techniques and decorations. Eliminate the waste of things, and elaborate handwork in every detail is emphasised as part of beauty.

Impermanence and kindness: Japanese traditional beauty is influenced by Buddhist ideas such as impermanence and kindness. For this reason, the temporary beauty and delicacy of things are emphasised, and kindness and compassion are regarded as the essence of beauty.

These differences show that Western beauty and Japanese traditional beauty are based on different cultural backgrounds and philosophical values. And that.

