フォトコンテスト Photo contest
I found out about Canon's photo contest while browsing the internet
I was told that I could submit both prints and data, so I submitted four photos online. A picture of autumn leaves taken last fall, a picture of cherry blossoms taken in spring, etc. I have applied to several contests before, but the results have not followed. It's hard to rate your own photos. It certainly makes me happy to publish photos on Flickr and SNS and put "likes" on them. However, what I've been thinking lately is that it's more about my secret enjoyment than having a lot of "likes" and followers. So why are you entering the contest? I don't know myself, but I don't think I'll win any awards, but maybe I thought that if I could get some kind of recognition, I'd be more excited to continue taking pictures.
The photo in the title is from the same day I took the photo of the cherry blossoms I submitted.