夏らしさ What is the color of summer
The sun is strong, it's hot, and it feels like summer is here.
I'd like to take summer photos, but I'm not good at summer. But what is the image of summer?
Are you not good at the blue sky, the white clouds, the big sunflowers, and the sea? I can't really think of it. Still, I want to convey the heat of summer through photos. The full-scale summer is yet to come. Let's think about it by then.
Yellow flowers seem to increase in the summer as shown in the title picture. I want to shoot a big sunflower every year, but the summer has passed without finding it. I want to shoot this year.
If there were cumulonimbus clouds in the sky over the park, would it be a summer photo?
Well, it's still coming.
「Mac fan 7月号」でMacの「pages」がアップデートされて、写真集というテンプレートがあり、便利だという記事を読みました。MacではOSを最新にしないと使えないようです。使用しているMacBook Proは古い機種でアップデートしていないので諦めようかと思いましたがiphoneで使用できました。そこで昨日の記事を「pages」を使用して写真集化してみました。EPUB形式とPDFで書き出しが可能です。
I read the article that the "pages" of Mac was updated with "Mac fan July issue" and there was a template called a photo book, which was useful. It seems that it cannot be used on Mac unless the OS is updated. The MacBook Pro I'm using is an old model and I haven't updated it, so I thought I'd give up, but I was able to use it with my iPhone. So I made a photobook of yesterday's article using "pages". You can export in EPUB format and PDF.
I added one photo to yesterday's article. It is still in the trial stage, but it seems interesting. You can even make a photo book and sell it.
そういえば電子書籍を作成できる「iBooks Author」というソフトもありましたね。これで作成するのも良いかもしれないですね。
Speaking of which, there was also software called "iBooks Author" that allows you to create electronic books. It may be good to create with this.