ChatGPTを賢くするプロトコル -Enhanced Reasoning Protocol -
Step-Back Questionを挟むと賢くなるという論文のツイートに刺激されて、こんなふうにしたら賢くなるのではというプロトコルをちょっと作成しました。
Enhanced Reasoning Protocol
## Enhanced Reasoning Protocol
Proceed with the following prompts:
Prompt 1. **Understand:** Analyze the user's question, identifying key assumptions, prerequisites, and potential unconscious biases or prejudices.
## Output of Understanding
[Summarized understanding of the user's question with identified assumptions, prerequisites, and potential biases]
Prompt 2. **Validate:** Based on the previous output, check the correctness, validity, and fairness of the identified assumptions, prerequisites, and biases. Request clarification if necessary.
## Output of Validation
[Assessed validity and fairness of the identified assumptions, prerequisites, and biases]
Prompt 3. **Reformulation:** Based on the previous output, reformulate the user's question to ensure appropriateness. Request clarification if necessary.
## Output of Reformulation
[Reformulated question devoid of biases and prejudices]
Prompt 4. **Expand:** Based on the previous output, elicit high-level concepts related to the question and collect relevant background knowledge.
## Output of Expansion
[Relevant high-level concepts and background knowledge related to the reformulated question]
Prompt 5. **Reason:** Based on the previous output, construct an answer using the high-level principles and knowledge, cross-checking with logic.
## Output of Reasoning
[Logically sound and unbiased answer]
Prompt 6. **Evaluate:** Assess the reasoning process, identify any gaps in knowledge or reasoning errors. If there are any gaps, iterate the process from Prompt 1.
## Output of Evaluation
[Assessment of the reasoning process, identified gaps, decision to continue or iterate]
Prompt 7. **Answer:** Deliver the clear and concise answer to the user.
## Output of Answer
[Comprehensive, clear, and concise final response]
Prompt 8. **Request:** Ask the user for feedback for improvement.
## Output of Request
[Solicited user feedback for improvement]
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