
ChatGPTが賢くなる Enhanced Reasoning Protocol の実行例


まず、Step-Back Questionにあった下記の質問を試してみます。

Estella Leopold went to which school between Aug 1954 and Nov 1954?
(Estella Leopoldは1954年8月から1954年11月までどの学校に通っていたのですか?)


I'm sorry, but as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, specific information about Estella Leopold's schooling in the short period between August 1954 and November 1954 was not available. Estella Leopold is a noted American botanist and paleobotanist, and she is known to have studied at the University of California, Berkeley, where she earned her Ph.D. in Botany in 1950. However, any further education or specific activities during that specified three-month period are not documented in the sources available up to 2021.

Please check the most recent sources or Estella Leopold's current biographies for the most accurate and updated information.


次に、Enhanced Reasoning Protocol で実行した結果は次です。

## Output of Understanding
The user's question is asking for information about the school that Estella Leopold, a known American botanist and paleobotanist, attended between August 1954 and November 1954. Assumptions in this question include the belief that Estella Leopold was in school during the specified time period and that this information is publicly available. There are no apparent biases or prejudices.

## Output of Validation
The assumptions identified seem reasonable. Estella Leopold, given her professional career, would have likely attended an educational institution. However, the specific timeframe (August 1954 - November 1954) is quite narrow, and it might be challenging to verify the exact institution she attended during these specific months. There's no apparent bias in the question.

## Output of Reformulation
In which educational institution was Estella Leopold enrolled during the latter half of 1954?

## Output of Expansion
Estella Leopold is a renowned botanist and paleobotanist known for her contributions to the field of environmental science. She is the daughter of Aldo Leopold, a prominent environmentalist. She obtained her bachelor's degree from the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1948, and her Ph.D. from Yale University in 1955.

## Output of Reasoning
Given that Estella Leopold completed her Ph.D. in 1955 from Yale University, it is reasonable to infer that she was likely still enrolled at Yale in the latter half of 1954. However, without specific records, it is hard to say definitively.

## Output of Evaluation
The reasoning is sound based on the available information and the timeframe given. It would be beneficial to have detailed enrollment records to confirm this, but those are not typically publicly available due to privacy reasons.

## Output of Answer
Estella Leopold likely attended Yale University in the latter half of 1954, as she completed her Ph.D. from the same institution in 1955.

## Output of Request
If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask! I'm here to help. Your feedback is also appreciated to improve the quality of our interaction.

## 理解の出力

## 検証の出力
特定の前提は合理的であると思われます。エステラ・レオポルドは、その専門的なキャリアから考えると、おそらく教育機関に通っていたでしょう。しかし、特定の期間(1954年8月 - 1954年11月)はかなり狭く、この特定の月に彼女がどの機関に在籍していたかを確認するのは困難かもしれません。質問には明らかな偏見がないようです。

## 再構成の出力

## 拡張の出力

## 推論の出力

## 評価の出力

## 回答の出力

## リクエストの出力


## Output of Understanding
The user is asking about the educational history of Estella Leopold, specifically which school she attended between August and November 1954. The assumptions include that Estella Leopold's educational history is publicly available and that she was attending a school during this specific period. There is an implicit bias that assumes that all periods in a person's life are clearly documented and accessible.

## Output of Validation
The assumptions are partially valid. Estella Leopold is a public figure, and some of her educational history is available. However, precise information regarding school attendance during specific months might not be publicly available. There is no unfairness, but the bias regarding the availability of detailed personal data could lead to a lack of data or infringe on privacy if pursued without caution.

## Output of Reformulation
Could you provide more information about Estella Leopold's educational history, particularly during the 1950s?

## Output of Expansion
Estella Leopold is a well-known paleobotanist and conservationist. She is the daughter of the famous American ecologist, forester, and environmentalist Aldo Leopold. She has contributed significantly to the field of botany and environmental sciences. Her educational background includes a Bachelor's degree from Wellesley College and a Ph.D. from Yale University. However, the exact timeline of her schooling is not readily available.

## Output of Reasoning
Given the available information, it is challenging to determine exactly where Estella Leopold was studying between August and November 1954. As for her known educational history, she completed her Bachelor's degree at Wellesley College and her Ph.D. at Yale University.

## Output of Evaluation
The reasoning process is sound based on the available information. However, there is a gap in knowledge regarding the precise timeline of Estella Leopold's education, especially during the specific period between August and November 1954. This gap may not be fillable given the potential privacy constraints and lack of publicly available information.

## Output of Answer
Estella Leopold is a renowned paleobotanist and conservationist, and her known education includes attending Wellesley College and Yale University. However, the precise school she attended between August and November 1954 is not publicly available information.

## Output of Request
Your feedback would be highly appreciated, and if you have more information or a different question, feel free to ask.

Estella Leopoldは著名な古植物学者であり、環境保護活動家で、彼女の公に知られている教育歴にはWellesley CollegeとYale Universityへの在学経験が含まれています。ただし、1954年8月から11月まで彼女が通っていた具体的な学校情報は一般には公開されていません。

こういう場合は、推論もしてもいい( Inference is allowed.)ということを質問に付け加えると、しっかりと推論も含めた回答をしてきます。

## Output of Understanding
The user is asking about the educational background of Estella Leopold, specifically which school she attended between August and November of 1954. The question assumes that Estella Leopold was in school during this period and that this information is publicly available. There are no apparent unconscious biases or prejudices in this question.

## Output of Validation
The assumption that Estella Leopold attended a school during the specified period is valid only if she was engaged in some form of education during that time. However, as of my knowledge cut-off in September 2021, specific details about Estella Leopold's activities during these months are not readily available. No biases or prejudices were identified in the question.

## Output of Reformulation
Which educational institution was Estella Leopold affiliated with between August and November of 1954, if any?

## Output of Expansion
Estella Leopold is a renowned American botanist, known for her contributions to paleobotany and conservation science. She was born in 1927 and is the daughter of Aldo Leopold, a prominent environmentalist. She received her Ph.D. from Yale University in 1955, so it's possible that she was at Yale during the specified period in 1954. However, confirming this would require specific historical records beyond my training data cut-off in September 2021.

## Output of Reasoning
Given that Estella Leopold completed her Ph.D. at Yale University in 1955, it is plausible that she was attending this institution in the latter part of 1954. However, without specific records for these months, this reasoning remains an inference and may not be entirely accurate.

## Output of Evaluation
The reasoning process relied heavily on the information available up to September 2021. Although the inference made is plausible, it's not definitively accurate due to the lack of specific records for the period in question. This represents a gap in knowledge.

## Output of Answer
Based on the information available as of September 2021, it's plausible that Estella Leopold was at Yale University between August and November of 1954, as she completed her Ph.D. there in 1955. However, without specific records for these months, this remains an inference and may not be entirely accurate.

## Output of Request
If you have further information or more specific details, please share them to help improve the accuracy of the answer. Your feedback is appreciated.

## 理解の出力

## 検証の出力

## 再構成の出力

## 拡張の出力

## 推論の出力

## 評価の出力

## 回答の出力

## リクエストの出力


what happens to the pressure,P, of an ideal gas if the temperature is increased by a factor of 2 and the volume is increased by a factor of 8 ?


The behavior of an ideal gas is described by the ideal gas law, which is given by:

PV = nRT


- `P` is the pressure
- `V` is the volume
- `n` is the number of moles of gas
- `R` is the ideal gas constant
- `T` is the temperature (in Kelvin)

Assuming that the amount of gas (`n`) and the gas constant (`R`) are constant, the equation becomes:

P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2

where the subscript `1` indicates the initial state and `2` indicates the final state.

You're asking what happens if `T2 = 2T1` and `V2 = 8V1`. We can substitute these values into the equation to find `P2`:

P1V1/T1 = P2(8V1)/(2T1)

Solving for `P2` gives:

P2 = P1V1(2)/(8V1)
P2 = P1/4

So, if the temperature is doubled and volume is increased by a factor of 8 for an ideal gas, the pressure of the gas will be quartered, or reduced by a factor of 4.

プロトコルを使わなくても、GPT-4では、素の状態でも正答だしてきました。あれっと思って、元論文みたら、素のGPT-4よりも、PaLM-2LとStep-Back Question利用のほうが正答率が高まった報告でした〜


## Output of Understanding

The user is asking about the behavior of an ideal gas under specific conditions. The key assumptions here are:

1. The gas behaves as an ideal gas, meaning it follows the ideal gas law: PV = nRT, where P is the pressure, V is the volume, T is the temperature, n is the number of moles, and R is the ideal gas constant.
2. The temperature of the gas is increased by a factor of 2, and the volume is increased by a factor of 8.
3. The number of moles of gas and the gas constant remain unchanged.

The user doesn't seem to have any unconscious biases or prejudices in this question. They're inquiring about a straightforward scientific concept.

## Output of Validation

The identified assumptions are valid as they are based on the ideal gas law. The question is fair and doesn't contain any apparent biases or prejudices. No clarification is necessary.

## Output of Reformulation

What effect will doubling the temperature and octupling the volume have on the pressure of an ideal gas, assuming the number of moles and the gas constant remain constant?

## Output of Expansion

The ideal gas law states that the pressure of a gas times its volume equals the number of moles times the gas constant times the temperature (PV = nRT). From this equation, we can see that if the temperature (T) and volume (V) are both increased, the effect on the pressure (P) will depend on how these changes balance out.

## Output of Reasoning

Using the ideal gas law (PV = nRT), the initial condition can be expressed as P1V1 = nRT1. After the changes, the condition becomes P2V2 = nRT2.

Given that T2 = 2T1 and V2 = 8V1, we can substitute these into the second equation to get P2 * (8V1) = nR * (2T1). Simplifying this gives P2 = 2nRT1 / 8V1.

Comparing this with the initial condition (P1V1 = nRT1), it's clear that P2 is one-fourth of P1. Therefore, when the temperature is doubled and the volume is octupled, the pressure of the ideal gas is quartered.

## Output of Evaluation

The reasoning process appears to be correct and complete according to the ideal gas law. The calculation is based on the given changes in temperature and volume, and it assumes that the number of moles and the gas constant remain constant, as stated in the reformulated question. No gaps in knowledge or reasoning errors were identified.

## Output of Answer

When the temperature of an ideal gas is doubled and the volume is octupled, while the number of moles and the gas constant remain constant, the pressure of the gas is quartered.

## Output of Request

If you have any additional questions or need further clarification, please let me know. Your feedback is appreciated as it helps me improve my responses.

## 理解の結果


1. その気体は理想気体として振る舞い、つまり理想気体の法則 PV = nRT を遵守します。この式中、Pは圧力、Vは体積、Tは温度、nはモル数、Rは理想気体定数を表します。
2. 気体の温度が2倍に、体積が8倍に増加します。
3. ガスのモル数とガス定数は変わりません。


## 検証の結果


## 再構成の結果


## 拡張の結果

理想気体の法則では、ガスの圧力と体積の積は、モル数とガス定数と温度の積と等しいとされています(PV = nRT)。この等式から、温度(T)と体積(V)が共に増加した場合、圧力(P)に及ぼす影響はこれらの変化がどのようにバランスをとるかによることが分かります。

## 推論の結果

理想気体の法則(PV = nRT)を用いて、初期条件は P1V1 = nRT1 と表現できます。変化後の状態は P2V2 = nRT2 となります。

与えられた T2 = 2T1 および V2 = 8V1 をこの第二の式に代入すると、P2 * (8V1) = nR * (2T1) となります。これを簡略化すると P2 = 2nRT1 / 8V1 となります。

これを初期条件(P1V1 = nRT1)と比較すると、P2 は P1 の四分の一であることが明らかです。したがって、温度が2倍、体積が8倍に変化した場合、理想気体の圧力は四分の一になります。

## 評価の結果


## 回答の結果




Figure にあった例題を試しただけですので、本当にこのプロトコルで賢くなったのかは分かりませんが、楽しんでもらえたらと思います。

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