

To be honest, June was really busy.
I had a lot of experience in June, I visited many places.

So I’ll write main memories.
Moving a house, Finding a house, Small trips, Joining a night club.
























何をした、とかではないけど、ただ海を眺めて、フィッシュアンドチップスを食べてゆっくり帰る、ピースフルな時間。 自分が全然邦楽をしらないのだと実感した帰り道。



最初は右も左も分からずやべえところに来てしまったか…?という感じだったけどお酒の力はなくても汗だくになるまで踊って歌って楽しかった。ヨーロッパでもKPOPオタクはまぁまぁいるんだな、と。 一夜限りのKPOPが好きな友達がたくさんできてたくあん写真を撮ってめちゃくちゃ楽しくて。オタクって大体スマホのホーム画面が推しだから見せ合って『えーそのアイドル好きなの?!』『私もー!』『まじ〜!?』『この前のライブ私も行ったよ!』みたいな会話を爆音の音楽が流れるクラブハウスの中でして、イヤホンガンガンゲーム状態。




Hunting house and first time experience of racism

First, saying goodbye to the share house where I lived for about three months.

It had so many issues—no hot water, murky water, electricity outages, broken furniture, and swarms of winged ants. The list goes on, but overall, it wasn’t great. However, the access to the city center was good, my housemates were very nice, and the kitchen was spacious. So, overall, I’d say it was a bit of a negative experience (just a bit, though) haha

The next place was only for two weeks, but my housemates there (a Spaniard and a Pakistani) were also kind, and we had a common hobby  Plus, it was bigger and cleaner than the first house, and it had a toilet and shower in the room, which was convenient definitely.

However, the fact that I only had a place to stay for three months meant that I had to find a new house by myself. I had heard that finding housing and work in Ireland is much more difficult than other countries, so I felt a bit anxious.
A helpful Irish man I met at a pub advised me to start looking for a house about a month before moving in. From that point on, I began contacting landlords and viewing properties after school.

I needed to think many things like budget, access to the CityCentre, stuff and something like that…

Fortunately, my partner was also looking for a new house at the same time. If we live together we can save money cuz we can divide rent cost. Therefore we started discussing the idea of finding a house together.

Since we didn’t have much time, we viewed about five or six places and decided on our current home, though I heard some people view even more.

On the way back from one of the viewings, I encountered a racist child for the first time, which was a cultural shock for me. I often see articles online warning about racism abroad, but in the countries I’ve visited so far, I hadn’t met anyone like that or felt uncomfortable. I had only encountered kind, smiling people who occasionally struck up conversations, so I was carelessness.

Suddenly, I had candy thrown at me from behind, along with some remarks (I don’t remember exactly what was said). Since it was my first experience with something like that, I was taken aback and confronted the child directly, saying something like, “What are you doing? That’s rude, stop it. Don’t do that to others.”
Looking back, I realize that wasn’t very mature of me. I should have remained calmer and just ignored it.

Finally, they listened to me, stopped throwing candy, and apologized, even talking about Japanese anime before we parted ways. I think I was fortunate that they were still *relatively* innocent kids.

My partner said, “Just stay calm and ignore it,” and protected me, which made me reflect on how I need to be more calm down like him. On the bus ride home, he quietly remarked, “Seeing kids like that makes me sad. It’s not those kids who are at fault. it’s their parents fault. It’s proof they haven’t been educated properly. They’re unfortunate kids who didn’t get the right guidance from their parents.”
His thoughts echoed my feelings exactly.

What I felt during my first experience of racism was more "sadness" than "anger" towards them.

It made me realize that there were no adults to correct them and that this was perhaps the only way they knew to communicate with other races. How sad…

After going back to home I cried a lot.
I would have never forget that day.

Anyways finally we found another house which is clean safety above all there are many cats🧡
As you know I sometimes uproad them on Instagram :)

A cat which likes busking in the sun
A cat which is interested in human
A cat which has a strong sence of vigilance

Mini trip🚃

The only Aquarium in Ireland ( But It's really small )
When I visit an Aquarium I always stop at Jerry fish corner🪼

Next week I went to the Howth. Howth is one of the harbor. We can see pink dolphin and seal in there but we were so absorbed in eating without even looking at them.
Clam chowder was realllly yummy. If you have a chance to drop by Howth, you should try it!

Next week I enjoyed a window shopping
I saw strange Mickey and Minnie though… it might be bad dream hha

After next week I visited Bray with classmate. Bray is harbor as well.
We saw sea ate a fish'n'chips.
That day was good weather so we spend a peaceful time :)

First time club🪩✨️

For the first time in my life, I went to a club. In this town, once a month there's a club night where they only play KPOP music. I like KPOP as you know. I invited my former roommate, who also loves KPOP to join me.

And it was insanely fun. We danced non-stop until 3 a.m. Can you believe that?  Wonderful

At first, I had no idea what to expect and thought I might have ended up somewhere weird... but even without the help of alcohol, we danced and sang until we were drenched in sweat, and had a blast. I realized that even in Europe, there are quite a few KPOP fans. I made a lot of one-night-only KPOP fan friends, took pictures, and had an amazing time. Since most fans have their favorite idols as their phone wallpaper, we showed each other our screens and had conversations like, “Oh, you like that idol?” “Me too!” “Really?!” “I went to their last concert too!” all while the loud music blasted through the club hhh

Since coming here, I hadn’t really been able to do any of the fan activities that I used to do almost every month, so it was great to immerse myself in K-pop again after a long time.

