第3回京都文学レジデンシ―参加者紹介③クレア・ウィグフォール(Clare Wigfall)
Kyoto Writers Residency 03 will be held from 28 September. Today we introduce Clare Wigfall to you, a writer who will participate in the residency.
We also post Ruth and Kit, a story by Ms Clare (original English text and Japanese translated text). The translation is by Shinichiro Mori. Please enjoy reading it!
About Kyoto Writers Residency. To attend the Opening Forum on 29 September.
Clare Wigfall/クレア・ウィグフォール
ロンドン出身ベルリン在住の作家。2007年にデビュー短編集"The Loudest Sound and Nothing"を刊行。翌年にはBBCナショナル短編賞を受賞のほか、E.M.フォースター賞候補者にも選出。2018年にはデビュー作がドイツ語に翻訳される。ProspectやThe Dublin Review、Rekto:Versoで作品を発表するほか、BBCラジオやNPRベルリンにてブックレビューも行なう。
Born in 1976 in London, Clare Wigfall has lived in Berlin Her debut short story collection "The Loudest Sound and Nothing" (Faber & Faber) was published in 2007 to critical acclaim. The following year she won the BBC National Short Story Award and was later nominated by William Trevor for an E.M. Forster Award. In the spring of 2018, Edition Solitude published selected stories from her first story collection in German translation under the title "Alles, was ich über Zahlen weiss". She has also written for BBC Radio and NPR Berlin and reviewed books for the Observer.
「ピーテルが? まさか」と遠い目をして微笑む。その顔を見ていると、私の登場以前に彼女が送っていた人生がなんだか妬ましくなった。「ピーテルは男としか寝なかったから」
Ruth and Kit(excerpts)
by Clare Wigfall
Holland was where Ruth had given birth to me. In a tub of cooling bathwater. Lit by the flickering yellow of a bare bulb in a poorly-wired socket. ‘Has somebody called the bloody midwife?’ she’d raged, her voice ringing against the bathroom tiles. ‘I’m dying here.’
‘You’re not dying, m’n lief,’ soothed Pieter, wandering in to use the toilet.
‘You’re in labour. It’s supposed to hurt.’ He was wearing only a pair of drainpipe jeans and a balding velvet smoking jacket. He zipped back his flies and turned to squat beside the tub so he could smooth the hair gently from Ruth’s wet cheeks. A vein pulsed bright on her flushed forehead. ‘Poor Ruthie, have a drag on this.’ She took his joint between wet fingers and sucked on it, then let out a fresh bellow of pain. Pieter winced for her and reached to turn the hot tap to warm the water.
‘Was Pieter my father?’ I asked, the first time she told me this story.
‘Pieter? No,’ she said, with a far-off smile that made me jealous of the life she’d lived before me, ‘Pieter only slept with the boys.’
At the time of my birth, Ruth was living in a sort of commune – that’s how she describes it. A tall canal-side building which a group of them squatted. No doubt today it’s an immaculate home owned by an immaculate Dutch family. She was twenty-four, with a first-class degree from Cambridge, playing at being a poet, dallying with activism. She had not spoken to her parents in three years. She’s never told me what caused the estrangement, but on my birth she sent them a telegram: Kit Eugenie Webster STOP born 4.2.1988 STOP healthy and beautiful END She didn’t even sign it. Ruth can be stubborn like that. I’ve never met my grandparents, so it’s hard for me to imagine how they might have reacted to the news. When Ruth arrived at the British Embassy three weeks later to report my birth, with me, her child, strapped to her chest in a rainbow-hued papoose, she chewed on the end of her Bic pen when she reached the section marked ‘Father’. Tilmann Duijsens, she eventually wrote, hazarding a guess. And then, again, she stopped, her feminist sensibility indignant that there was only an ‘Occupation’ box for the father, unsure how she should fill it in. ‘Philosopher’ she finally concluded, writing it with a flourish of biroed capitals. ‘So Tilmann was my father?’ I interrupted. ‘Darling,’ she said. Ruth read the disapproval on my prim thirteen-year-old face and gave me a sad look. ‘Those were the times, my love.’ For a number of years, I thought that when I was eighteen I’d track down all those men Ruth had slept with and discover if any of them shared my DNA. I wasn’t sure what I’d do if I found a man who did. I didn’t want a father, I just wanted to know who he was. (n.b. up to here is 496 words - feel free to stop at this point if including the rest would make the translation too lengthy!) ‘If it’s what you want, Kit. We’ll do it,’ Ruth promised, getting up from her chair to turn on the kettle.
‘Am I not enough for you, is that it?’ She was half-joking, I think, but by the time I turned eighteen, I found I could no longer identify a solid reason to embark on the quest. The truth was - and I don’t mean this facetiously, it’s simply a statement of fact - Ruth always has been more than enough.
(Excerpts from her forthcoming collection)
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ホームページ:Kyoto Writers Residency - 京都文学レジデンシー
協賛:香老舗 松栄堂/ DMG 森精機/京都 蔦屋書店/共立メン
助成:Arts Aid KYOTO(京都市)/ベルギー王国フランス語共同政府国際交流興 庁/イタリア文化会館大阪/欧州連合/リトアニア文化カウンシル/クリエイティヴ・ニュージーランド