温度計を携えて計測魔になろう Become a measurement fiend with a thermometer
The essential gear for cooking geek
When you decide to pursue cooking as a skill, what kitchen tool should you get first? When asked that question, the first thing I would say is a thermometer.
I've had cooking enthusiasts show me their tools, but most of them are "useful to have, but not necessary". A good knife allows you to cut sashimi with a delicate flavor, but even a cheap knife that is well sharpened will perform so-so. Generally, a good knife is only sharp at the beginning, and if you don't continue to take care of it, it will just become dull. Also, you need to have the skill to match the tool. In short, it's a good thing to have in order to improve the accuracy of cutting. In fact, there are many situations where kitchen scissors are more useful.
In terms of the latest trendy gear, a "low-temperature(sous-vide) cooker" is an example. It is used by cutting-edge chefs, and if you follow the recipe, you can make moist and delicious salad chicken. It is certainly convenient. However, if you use it without understanding how it works or what the principles are, you will not be able to understand cooking techniques or apply them in any practical applications. Moreover, it does not work without electricity. It is a black box like a microwave. If your goal is to live a cultured life surrounded by magical home appliances, that is fine, but as a cooking geek, isn't it a little frustrating? Some people may say, "I use it by looking at the temperature chart and understanding at what temperature the meat will be safely tender." But think about it carefully. When cooking meat, the temperature that is discussed is the very center of the meat, that is, the "core temperature." This is the hardest place to heat up, so it is the standard for cooking, but a low-temperature cooker does not actually control the core temperature. It only controls the temperature of the water. In other words, you don't know what the temperature distribution inside the meat is. The slow cooker's slow cooker chart only gives a rough guideline for how thick a piece of meat should be, in how much water, and for how long it should be heated to reach the core temperature and maintain that temperature for a certain period of time. It's just a clumsy imitation of the masterful technique of a skilled chef who uses a frying pan, aluminum foil, and a metal rod placed against his lips to check the temperature. It's not so easy to make a dish with a crispy, fragrant exterior and a juicy, barely cooked interior in a slow cooker.
To better understand a slow cooker, it may be a good idea to first buy a much lower-cost thermometer before diving into it.
Recommendations for using thermometers
Measure the object and perform some action to change its state. Repeat this process to bring the object to the desired state. This is called control. Cooking is the same.
The subject of the technology here is food. When dealing with food, you must first understand its condition. In other words, you need to measure it. Leaving aside advanced state understanding such as freshness and fermentation state for the moment, let's start with three basic states to be measured: weight, volume, and temperature. There is no need to explain the first two, weight and volume. Scales and measuring cups to measure these are found in most kitchens. However, in an ordinary kitchen, the third, temperature, is actually not given much thought. A househusband or housewife who enjoys baking bread as a hobby will pay attention to temperature, but usually people only think about the difference between frozen, cold, lukewarm, hot, or boiling. If you want to become a master of cooking, this is where you start. Start by understanding all the temperature changes around the kitchen.
First, let's take a look inside the refrigerator. Surprisingly, many people only know two things: frozen and cold. Commercial refrigerators are divided into several dedicated refrigerators, each of which is used for a different purpose. In contrast, household refrigerators must store all ingredients, so there are spaces with different temperature zones. People who just throw everything into the refrigerator often don't understand this. In fact, the bottom shelf and the third shelf, the front and back, and the door pocket all have very different temperatures. The temperature inside the vegetable door is also different, and even though the freezer compartment is clear, there are drawers such as chilled and partial, and these also maintain their own temperatures. First, use a thermometer to measure each location. The manual may also include information about temperature, but it will be completely different depending on the arrangement and packing of ingredients, so actually measuring and understanding it will be the gateway to improving your cooking skills. I will cover this again at a later date, but by understanding the temperature zones, you can use your refrigerator strategically, not just as a storage unit.
Measuring temperature is just as important when cooking with low-temperature cooking as we mentioned at the beginning, or when cooking with regular cooking equipment. The idea is the same. What is the temperature inside a rice cooker? How does food heat up on the grill under a gas stove? In a frying pan? In a toaster oven? What is the temperature inside a steamer? Also, how long does it take for the temperature to rise depending on the size of the pot? What is the actual temperature of the center of the food in the pot? What is the temperature near the skin at that time? If you can get a better understanding of the condition of the food by measuring from one end, you can naturally control it more freely.
That's why I think it's a good idea to always keep a thermometer nearby and get into the habit of measuring the temperature.
There are thermometers available in models that can measure the core temperature, as well as inexpensive models that have an alarm function that lets you know when the temperature reaches an expected value. Also, since once you measure the temperature it becomes easier to predict changes in temperature, combining it with a smartphone timer allows for precise cooking without using expensive equipment.
I'm planning to introduce some examples of actual cases in which a thermometer has been used.
Equipment Acquisition Guide
Simple models that can measure core temperature can be purchased for under 1,000 yen, and are sufficient for most purposes.
If you want to know the temperature distribution inside a homemade pizza oven where you can't insert a thermometer, there are also thermometers that use infrared rays. However, this type cannot measure the core temperature and has low accuracy, so the situations in which it can be used are limited.
The model I use can measure core temperature, and it has a long, thin probe that can measure the temperature of food in a pot or a toaster oven in real time, and it is very convenient because it alerts you with an alarm when the set temperature is reached.