
江戸の台所を支えた漁師たちの沖飯「飛魚のなめろう/飛魚のさんが焼き」 "Flying fish namero" and "flying fish sangayaki" are okimeshi(dishes on the ship) of fishermen that supported the Edo kitchens.

Making and tracing the history of food culture

Recipe trivia


Drinkers in Kamakura are generally quiet.
Kamakura was a deserted village long after the Kamakura Shogunate was abolished, but it opened as a resort town in the Meiji period and later became a commuter town for office workers commuting to Tokyo. The cultural figures who gathered there relying on their patrons who lived in villas have left, and the Shochiku film studio in Ofuna is gone, but thanks to the scenic area, the atmosphere of a calm resort still remains. Perhaps because of the climate, over the past 15 years or so, with the popularity of remote work and workation, the number of relatively young people who want to relax in the seaside town has been increasing, and a generational change is also progressing.
Because it is such a town, the nighttime drunks seem to be relatively quiet. Even so, when immigrants were not dominant, there were occasional fights. Local fishermen were often involved in the beginning of these fights. Kamakura was a small farming and fishing village throughout the Edo period, and most of the residents have been relocated since the Meiji period, at most three generations. The villagers and fishermen who lived there from the beginning are the indigenous people. Fishermen in particular were very active, as they were the first to bring bonito to the Nihonbashi riverside (the fish market at the time), the kitchen of the nation, since the Edo Shogunate was established. So it is not surprising that their descendants would see relatively new and pretentious immigrants (whether they immigrated in the Meiji or Reiwa eras) as newcomers. Fishermen and newcomers have different cultures, so when they are both drunk, they will get into a big fight over a small word. There haven't been any big fights like that in the last ten years or so, but in the past, I often intervened. Even though fishermen are from the same city of Kamakura, they actually have different origins. They also use a unique fisherman's language.


Before the Edo period, there were no large fishing settlements in the Kanto area, but when the Edo Shogunate was established in what is now Tokyo and the population increased, the situation changed dramatically. Tokugawa Ieyasu was skilled not only in strategy but also in logistics, reclaiming land in Edo and redirecting rivers, securing a water source that could support a population of one million, and building a distribution network through canals. Vegetables from suburban farmland were collected at Kanda Riverbank, and seafood from nearby fishing villages were collected at Nihonbashi Riverbank, and then brought to Edo Castle. The operators of the riverbanks were given the right to sell any excess goods that were brought to Edo Castle, and the riverbanks also became the kitchens of the Edo common people. The Nihonbashi riverbank later moved to Tsukiji and flourished, and then moved to Toyosu, where it remains today. There was enough demand to support a population of nearly one million, so catches were brought to Edo not only from within Edo Bay, but also from the Boso coast and Sagami Bay.
At first, fish caught by fishermen in Sagami Bay were transported from Kamakura to Kanazawa-Hakkei by horseback over the mountain pass, and then to Nihonbashi by boat. Since the fish lost their freshness, later, they started to transport them directly to Nihonbashi from Odawara or Kamakura in specially made "oshisosen" boats. An oshisosen is a small, streamlined boat with a pointed bow, and is a high-speed boat that uses a detachable mast and oar. Whereas a normal sailing ship waits for the wind, this boat uses a human-powered oar to travel at high speed to its destination, regardless of whether there is wind or not. It was possible to leave Odawara in the evening and arrive at Nihonbashi first thing in the morning. However, because speed was emphasized, the loading capacity was small and labor costs were high, so the wholesale price of fish rose accordingly. Nevertheless, wealthy Edokko wanted fresh fish. An oshisosen with seven oars was used to transport fresh bonito for sashimi from Kamakura. They are fast couriers of the sea, with strong rowers rowing day and night.
To promote the fishing industry, Ieyasu summoned a group of local experts in fishing and seafood processing techniques from Mikawa and Kishu to Kanto. Tsukudajima is famous for this, but such skilled specialists were also sent to fishing villages in Boso and Sagami Bay. They dramatically developed the latest fishing boats, fishing gear, fishing nets, and other technologies. rapid ships seem to have been one such technology that originated in Kishu.


Through these exchanges between fishermen, similar fisherman's words and fisherman's meals have been passed down in fishing villages in the Kanto region. This is so-called okimeshi, which is pounded fish mixed with miso. It is a quick meal eaten on a rocking boat between fishing trips. There are dishes using live bait such as sardines and horse mackerel, and others using flying fish, bonito, Spanish mackerel, and squid caught offshore. The fish that were roughly filleted were pounded with a knife on a chopping board, mixed with miso and other seasonings, and then scooped directly from the chopping board and eaten. This was a way to save the trouble of having to serve the fish on a plate on a rocking boat. The pounded fish can be placed directly on rice, dropped into soup, or made into chazuke. It can also be stuffed into shells and grilled. Similar dishes exist in Tosa, Kishu, Numazu, and Izu, but the dishes that have been passed down to fishermen in Sagami Bay and Boso are "namero" and "sangayaki." When it is pounded raw and seasoned with miso, it is called namero, and when it is grilled it is called sangayaki. When it is cooked in ochazuke, it is called "magocha" or "magucha." It is widely known as a local dish of Chiba. There are various theories about the origin of the word namero, one of which is that it comes from "name miso."
Hishio is not miso used as a seasoning, but miso that can be eaten as a side dish. Hishio, the prototype of miso and soy sauce, was a side dish made by sprinkling salt on thinly sliced ​​meat or fish, or grains or vegetables, and fermenting them in ancient China and other parts of East Asia. The practice of eating raw food was later lost in China, but it may be said to be a direct legacy of the culture of eating raw food that was widespread in East Asia. This is just my speculation, but I think that a side dish culture similar to the prototype of hishio remained in the outskirts of China. This is because it was quite natural for fishermen and sailors to mix their catch with salt and herbs, store it in a jar, and then eat the fermented version. In Europe, too, salting seafood and using it as it was or as a seasoning was widely practiced until the Roman era. Anchovies are one of those legacies. I have also written about my theory in a previous article about Peruvian cuisine that the heritage of eating raw food may have actually been transmitted to the Americas, so please refer to it if you are interested.
The origin of the name sangyaki is said to be "sanga-yaki" (grilled food for mountain house), as it was a lunch box brought to work in the mountains, but there are also various theories. At that time, fishermen did not only fish in the sea, but also went into the mountains to obtain bamboo and wood, and also hunted, so they called their work sea work or mountain work.


In Kamakura, flying fish caught off the coast of Miura are available from summer to early autumn, so I made namero and sangayaki.
Flying fish can freely spread their wings, which are made up of developed fins, and glide like gliders. They can easily fly distances of about 100 meters. Their bodies have also evolved for this purpose, and have a streamlined body. In addition, since they need to spread their large fins to gain lift, they have developed bones and hard flesh to support them. Therefore, the flesh is sticky and firm, and has a strong umami flavor. It is not possible to make wide sashimi, but it is very delicious whether it is sliced ​​thin or cut into small pieces like tataki. It is especially delicious when made into namero. It is commonly eaten in coastal areas of Asia and South America. Because it has a concentrated umami flavor, it is dried and used as a soup stock in Kyushu and other places. It is also used in ramen and other dishes under the name of ago dashi.



Flying fish
Miso (any miso you like)
Leek (optional)
Shiso leaves (any leaves that can be used as a container are fine. Seashells, bamboo skins, or broken bamboo tubes are also fine.)



Insert a knife into the side of the flying fish's wing-like fin and cut off the head. Fillet the fish, remove the tough bones, and scrape off the side bones.
There is a bone in the middle of the fillet, so insert the knife along the bone, separate the flesh, and remove the skin.
Chop the green onions.
On a cutting board, beat the miso and green onions with the flying fish flesh with a knife until it becomes sticky.
Serve as is on a plate.
Place the namero on shiso leaves and grill. You can also grill it on a wire rack or in a frying pan with oil.

Tips  and tricks:    


The fins of flying fish are firmly embedded in the flesh to support the wings, so it is easier to work with them if you remove the bones first. The backbone of flying fish is embedded in the fine, sticky flesh, so if you use a bone pick to remove it, the flesh will fall apart. Therefore, it is best to insert the knife next to the backbone and cut the fish into five pieces.
Flying fish contain parasites such as anisakis. However, when the fish is fresh, the parasites are in the internal organs and not in the flesh, so you can use it safely by removing the internal organs. When the fish loses freshness, the parasites move from the internal organs to the flesh. Before eating it raw, it is a good idea to hold it up to a light and visually check for rice-like parasites in the flank just to be sure. If you find any, remove them with the tip of a knife. If you are worried, you can grill the fish, or give up on the namero and just make sangayaki.
In addition to green onions, you can also use other herbs such as mitsuba and Japanese pepper leaves. Chervil, dill, fennel, mint, and other western or ethnic herbs are all delicious.
For san-yaki, if you use shiso or perilla, you can eat the whole thing, but if you want to use it as a container, you can use any leaf you like, such as bamboo or orchid. Stuffing it into abalone or clam shells and baking it will bring out the freshness of the seafood. Stuffing it into halved bamboo tubes and baking it adds the aroma of green bamboo, which is fun. You can also put it on a bamboo skewer to make a fishball skewer.
If you drop namero into boiling soup, you can eat it as fishballs soup.
If you put it on rice, it becomes a seafood bowl, or you can pour hot water, broth, or roasted green tea over the rice to make ochazuke, or you can fry it. It has a wide range of applications.
You can simmer peppers and other vegetables in a dolma-style sauce (a Turkish and Middle Eastern vegetable stuffing dish, which I introduced in a previous article) and then bake or stew them.
In addition to flying fish, it is also delicious with white fish such as horse mackerel, sardines, and sea bream, as well as off-cuts of bonito and tuna, squid, and shrimp.
A very refined broth can be extracted from the bones and other parts of the fish, so it is best to grill and dry or freeze them.

Guide to where to get ingredients and equipment


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