
市販のベーコンは特別なのか Is store-bought bacon special?

レッスン・イン・ケミストリー Lesson in Chemistry




I previously explained that a thermometer is essential gear for cooking geeks. To put it into practice, let's try to recreate store-bought bacon using a thermometer and an inexpensive toaster oven. Everyone loves bacon, after all.
Because it's homemade, unlike store-bought bacon, I won't say that it's "delicious in its own way" or "better than store-bought." The reason is that I'm an engineer, so I'm particular about reproducibility. Making something that tastes good and intentionally making something with the taste and texture you're aiming for are completely different. So I'm going to make something that's exactly the same as the store-bought version. My goal is to do a blind test and have no one be able to tell the difference.

I should warn you up front that this is a very long piece and more argumentative than usual.

Culinary innovation


Speaking from an engineer's point of view, I don't use the elaborate processes and procedures of smoked food freaks. Because the procedure doesn't matter as long as I can reproduce the same thing. On the contrary, one of the requirements for technology is innovation to drastically change the process. When I think of technology, I think of patents. In fact, you can't patent the finished product itself, which is bacon. But you can patent the manufacturing process. It's called a manufacturing patent. It's the same in the pharmaceutical world or semiconductor manufacturing. If the process is simpler, doesn't require expensive equipment, and requires less effort, you can reduce the cost of the product. Cost reductions that other companies cannot imitate are one of the results of technology.
That was a bit of an exaggeration, but let's go back to the topic of my home kitchen. My goal in the kitchen is to "make the same bacon as commercial bacon at home, with inexpensive equipment and less effort, at a much cheaper price than commercial products." In this case, the inexpensive equipment is a thermometer and a toaster oven that costs less than 10,000 yen. Actually, if you understand the theory, a toaster oven is not necessary, but I use it because I can leave it alone while I work.
There is another meaning to "bacon the same as store-bought". It is to verify whether store-bought products are special. It is just to clear up the misconception that store-bought products cannot be imitated because they use special additives. Surprisingly, many people assume that special equipment or additives are used when they come across store-bought foods that they cannot reproduce. However, the basic steps are not so surprising, and in most cases, traditional handiwork is replaced by machines. Artificial meat culture and food 3D printing technologies, which will likely become widespread in the future, are new technologies, but this is not yet the case for ham and bacon. Therefore, if you are creative, you can make the same thing at home.
And from this comes another benefit of this reproduction work. If you can reproduce the same thing, you can clearly understand what the additives written on the label are used for. I will not go into the pros and cons of additives here, because I am not a medical or health expert. However, as an engineer, I feel uncomfortable with the black box situation where I don't know what role additives play. And if I can make the bacon that everyone loves without using special additives or going to so much trouble, I would definitely choose homemade.

Establishment of elemental technologies for prototyping


Before assembling the process of making bacon, let's break it down into several steps and verify each technical requirement individually. I've written this from a systems engineer's perspective, but cooking consists of several cooking techniques and the order in which they are applied. It's the same as making industrial products or creating apps.
There are several technical requirements for making bacon. First, seasoning. It needs to taste like bacon. Next, it needs to be cooked at a low temperature. Bacon is made from pork belly, so the fat and tendons need to be gelatinized. Commercially available bacon can be eaten raw, so it needs to be cooked so that it is soft and chewable while ensuring that there is no risk of food poisoning. Then, to give it a reddish appearance, a coloring agent such as saltpeter is usually added. It also needs to be smoked. Let's verify them in order.

ベーコンの味を作る Make the bacon flavor


For seasoning, a seasoning liquid called Saumur liquid is used. The main ingredients are salt and sugar, with some spices added. I got almost the same results when I rubbed the salt, sugar, and spices directly into the meat. It is said that using Saumur liquid allows the moisture to be absorbed into the tissues of the meat, making it moister, but in conclusion, there was not much difference between the two. Personally, I do not use Saumur liquid, but instead rub the meat directly into the meat, eliminating the process of making Saumur liquid. Also, when I prepare the pork, I prepare the three finished products, pancietta (salted pork), bacon, and ham, together, so this methodology is more familiar to me. However, the common method of rubbing the pork requires an additional process of desalting, so I chose a method of rubbing the pork lightly and not desalting it. Both the method of using Saumur liquid and the method of rubbing the pork directly have the same reproducibility, but the rubbing method requires some skill and there is a risk that the meat will be too salty or not flavorful enough the first time. So, although the process of making the Saumur liquid will increase, here we will adopt a methodology of soaking in Saumur liquid that is unlikely to fail even for beginners. If you are providing a recipe as a job rather than for personal enjoyment, it is normal to propose a safe methodology that will not fail even if there is no craftsman. Saumur liquid is also advantageous in that you can taste it in advance. If you want to enjoy trial and error, I recommend trying both. For spices and herbs, I chose peppercorns, bay leaves, allspice, juniper berries, carrots, celery, and parsley stems. For spices and herbs, if you have bacon from a manufacturer you like, you can change the mixture to your liking to resemble it, or you can simply use herb salt such as Crazy Salt to save time. I use juniper berries to give it a slightly more adult taste, but you can use whiskey or gin instead, or if you prefer a sweeter aroma, you can use cinnamon sticks, onion skins, or onion powder instead.

ベーコンの火入れ  Cooking the bacon


Commercially available bacon is fragrant and delicious when cooked, but it can also be eaten raw. This is because it is properly cooked. Cooking has two purposes. The first is to improve the texture. Meat has fat layers and tough tendons. If these remain, it becomes tough and difficult to chew, and the fat is sticky and the texture becomes bad. Proper cooking creates the texture of bacon. The second is to prevent food poisoning. Bacteria that cause food poisoning, such as E. coli, must be killed. The quickest way to sterilize it is to boil it, but doing so will damage the texture and you will end up eating meat that is cooked and hard. That's where a thermometer comes in.
By experimenting with cooking while measuring with a thermometer, you can find the temperature that will give you the best texture without the risk of food poisoning. From my experiments, I came to the conclusion that it should be around 65 degrees for 150 minutes. Under these conditions, the fat layers and tough tendons gelatinize, the excess fat is removed, and the texture of commercial bacon is achieved.
However, recipes published on the Internet and in books are often written in a rough manner, whether intentionally or not. The temperature range is more than 10 degrees, and there is no detailed description of the cooking conditions. Detailed cooking conditions include the method of temperature measurement, the size of the meat, the temperature of the meat at the start, the temperature, the size of the heating equipment, etc. For example, when using hot water for vacuum cooking, the heat transfer conditions change depending on the size of the container and the size of the meat. Post-heating is also a problem. However, if you leave it alone, there will be the problem of food poisoning, and it will also be affected by the temperature. Since heating has inertia, even if you think you have stopped at the right temperature, it may end up overcooking due to inertia. Of course, a low-temperature cooker will automatically adjust the temperature with a temperature sensor, but the results will vary depending on where the sensor is attached to the device. Also, since it only measures the temperature of the hot water, that temperature does not guarantee the temperature inside the meat. Therefore, whether you use a low-temperature cooker or not, you need to measure the core temperature with a thermometer. Core temperature refers to the temperature of the center of the food, which is the hardest to cook.
Also, the heating process is also related to the smoking process. Cold smoking is a different story, but warm smoking and hot smoking also involve cooking, so temperature control is necessary.
I decided to do the heating and smoking process at the same time, which reduces the number of steps, and as a result, the total number of steps.

ベーコンの発色剤などの添加物 Additives such as bacon colouring agents


Commercially available saltpeter coloring agents are pink, but homemade bacon is often gray. However, I have found through experiments that if you use natural salt to rub in a light-flavored salt that does not require a desalting process, or if you use a method using Saumur solution, the small amount of salt other than sodium chloride contained in natural salt seems to have the same effect, and the finished product will be pale pink. I think the gray color occurs when you use salt that contains extremely little ingredients other than sodium chloride, or when you desalt it.
I don't usually use salt with a high degree of refinement. That's why I didn't bother to add any special coloring agents here.
In addition, there are also additives that are added to stabilize quality and improve texture other than coloring, but even without these, the finished product is indistinguishable from commercial bacon, so I don't use them here.
One thing that is a bit of a problem is chemical seasonings (umami seasonings). These are usually used even in products that claim to be free of coloring agents or additives. However, no one has noticed if they are not added, so I did not add them here. This is my personal opinion, but I don't see the point in adding chemical seasonings to meat that is already delicious, and even a small amount of added glutamate is tens of thousands of times the amount found in nature, so I think it inhibits the taste. It's easy to add, so if you don't mind, I think it's fine to use it.



Pork belly (A chunk of meat of about 200 to 300 grams is best.)
Sea salt
Brown sugar
Bay leaf
Black peppercorns
Juniper berries
Whole cloves
Carrots (scrap is fine)
Celery (scrap is fine)
Parsley stalks
Smoking chips (tea leaves are fine too



Poke holes evenly into the pork belly with a fork so that the Saumur liquid can soak in easily.
Put all the spices and seasonings in a pot and heat. Use about half the amount of brown sugar as salt. You can use the amount of spices to your liking. You don't need to add too much as you will be marinating in a Ziploc bag or similar.
Once it boils, reduce heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes, turn off the heat and taste. If it's not sweet enough, add more brown sugar and let it cool. It will become saltier as it cools, so at this point it's just right if it feels a little salty.
Prepare an airtight bag such as a Ziploc bag, put the pork belly in, pour in the cooled Saumur liquid, and zip it up so that no air gets in. Marinate in the refrigerator for a whole day, or 4-5 days if you have time. If the liquid is unevenly distributed, turn it over occasionally.



Specific equipment is used below, but alternative methods are given in the Hints section.

Remove the pork belly from the Saumur liquid and wipe it dry with kitchen paper.
Insert the thermometer's core temperature measuring tip at an angle into the center of the meat.
Spread aluminum foil on an oven tray, place a grease drainer on top, and place the pork belly on top. Scatter smoking chips or tea leaves on the aluminum foil.
Place the tray in a toaster oven with a low-temperature heating function (see Hints for instructions when using a regular toaster oven) and heat at maximum temperature.
As the heating progresses, the smoking chips will start to smoke, and at the same time the surface of the meat will start to brown and harden.
Depending on the size of the meat, the meat will be smoked in about 20 to 30 minutes, and the core temperature will have risen to about 48°C, so stop heating and reduce the temperature to 160°C and continue heating.
When the core temperature has risen to about 55°C, stop heating, then reduce the temperature to 100°C and continue heating.
After that, while watching the thermometer, lower the oven temperature by about 15°C for every 5°C rise in the core temperature, and finally fix the oven temperature at 70°C when the core temperature is around 65°C.
Keep the temperature at this temperature setting for about two and a half hours. It's okay if the core temperature varies by 2 or 3 degrees from 65°C.
Once cooked, open the lid of the toaster, and once the meat has cooled down, place it in a Ziploc bag (removing the air), zip it up, and quickly cool it in ice water or something similar.
The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for around 10 days, or in the chilled compartment for up to one month.

Tips and tricks:    


I used pork belly here, but you can also use shoulder or thigh meat. In that case, tie it with kite string to make it look nice and evenly cooked.
As with the pork belly used here, it is necessary to process the thickness of the block of meat to be consistent. Heat is transferred from the outside to the center, so if the thickness varies from place to place, some parts will be overcooked and some will be undercooked.
You can soak it in Saumur liquid overnight, but soaking it for several days will break down the proteins, improve the maturity, and increase the flavor. Here, I soak it for five days.
I rub the seasoning directly into the meat with a saltiness that does not require desalting, and then I age half of it as pancietta (salted pork) for a longer maturation period, and I apply crushed spices of my choice to the other half, and after five days I take it out and cook the bacon. At room temperature, a large amount of salt is needed for preservation, and a desalting process is also necessary, but if you use the refrigerator strategically to create a climate suitable for maturing the meat, the desalting process will not be necessary.
Meat aging is an interesting topic in itself, so I would like to touch on it on another occasion.


You can replace the brown sugar with other sweeteners such as honey. You can also cut out the sweetener, but then the taste will be far from that of commercial products. Sweetness is one of the important elements for feeling umami. Commercial product manufacturers are well aware of this.
You can also add original flavors by using distinctive spices such as cinnamon, star anise, and Japanese pepper, or fruits such as citrus fruits and berries that are local specialties.
I don't add saltpeter or other additives because it seems that the ingredients derived from natural salt play a role in the coloring (this is just a guess, as I have not tested it rigorously). If you want to make sure you get a vivid color, it is a good idea to add saltpeter. If you are interested, please try changing the type of natural salt and check the degree of coloring.
Personally, I feel that the amino acids in the meat alone are delicious enough, so I don't dare add chemical amino acid seasonings, but if you feel that it is not enough, you can add additives such as chemical amino acids, protein hydrolysates, and yeast extract. This is only speculation, but if the marinating process is short, the meat will not mature sufficiently and the umami components will not increase, so these chemical seasonings may be added to commercially available products to compensate for the short marinating time. Since aging is difficult to control industrially and simply increases costs, this may be a rational decision in the field of processed meat products, where there is fierce price-cutting competition.


The reason for gradually lowering the temperature in a toaster oven is to gradually slow down the heating acceleration toward the target core temperature, and finally reach a temperature close to the target value.
The reason for heating at a high temperature at first is to make the smoking chips smoke, and at the same time to brown the surface of the meat. This makes sense if you start cooking at a low temperature, but if you cook at a low temperature for a long time (more than two hours), a lot of dripping will occur and the juiciness will be lost. If you sear the surface at a high temperature first, there will be almost no dripping. Some people may worry that the parts near the surface of the meat will be overcooked, but since the inside of the meat is cold, even if you sear the surface, moisture convection will occur inside the meat and it will not suddenly become hot. This can also be understood by cooking it while measuring with a thermometer.
After that, lower the temperature in several stages while checking the acceleration of the temperature rise. Just like a car that has accelerated too much cannot stop suddenly, even if the inside of the meat boils and the overheating is stopped, the temperature will continue to rise for a while. That's why you lower the temperature little by little to aim for the landing point. Those who have commuted by train will know that this is the same technique that train drivers use to gradually reduce the power output to the motor long before arriving at the station, and then brake only as much as necessary to stop the train exactly at the stop line on the platform. I change the temperature setting in several stages, observing the degree of acceleration while measuring the temperature, because I know through several experiments the deceleration pattern that stops the core temperature exactly at the target value.
Also, the reason why I set the temperature at 70 degrees Celsius in the final stage, compared to the target value of 65 degrees Celsius, is because there is some heat loss in my equipment. 70 degrees Celsius is only the air temperature inside the toaster, and it does not transfer to the meat without loss. If the air temperature is kept at 70 degrees Celsius, the core temperature of the meat can be kept at almost the target value for more than two hours, taking into account the heat loss.
However, of course, the characteristics of different ovens and toasters change. There is no guarantee that the same results will be obtained at the timing I have shown. That is why it is important to actually use a thermometer to measure with equipment and environments that you are familiar with. If you want to explore the art of roasting, we encourage you to experiment with your own equipment. Once you have the measurement results, you can control the temperature freely.
By the way, the latest commercial steam convection ovens have built-in computers that can perform detailed temperature adjustments fully automatically. If you throw a chunk of pork in when you get home, it will be perfectly roasted by the time you come to work. Of course, you can also program your own unique roasting process based on the results of your experiments.


My toaster oven costs less than 10,000 yen, but thankfully it has a low-temperature cooking function. So I can finish the whole thing with just the toaster oven. But what about ovens and toaster ovens that don't have a low-temperature cooking function? In that case, you can combine two cooking methods to produce almost the same results. The initial high-temperature smoking and grilling are the same. However, after that, you take out the meat and pack it in a ziplock bag or similar, removing the air. Then, while measuring the water temperature with a thermometer, keep the temperature around 70 degrees Celsius. 70 degrees Celsius is a hypothetical value, so in reality, it's a good idea to take out the meat from time to time and measure the central temperature of the meat to understand the relationship between the water temperature and the central temperature of the meat before deciding on the water temperature. The size of the pot and whether to cover it or not also affect heat loss. If the meat is small, you can use a yogurt maker. If you have a low-temperature cooker that you bought a long time ago, it's even better. Speaking of 70 degrees Celsius, you can also use the warming function of a rice cooker, which is usually equipped in Asian homes. However, in any case, you should actually measure it with a thermometer and understand the relationship between the water temperature and the central temperature of the meat. If you're making something like bacon or ham, it's fine to just go with the flow, but if you want to make something identical to the store-bought version, it's essential to measure it with a thermometer.


Finally, I would like to mention a technique that is essential for professionals related to low-temperature cooking, but is surprisingly rarely mentioned. I think it is worth knowing.
That is "rapid cooling".
In the previous section, I mentioned that proper low-temperature cooking has two purposes. One is to create the ideal texture and taste. The other is to prevent food poisoning. Rapid cooling is closely related to the second purpose. Some low-temperature cooking recipes include the instruction "Leave it at room temperature after heating." If you eat the product of low-temperature cooking on the same day or the next morning, there is no problem with this instruction. However, if you store it in the refrigerator for a long time after that or put it in a lunch box in warm season, the story changes. The germs that cause food poisoning grow actively between about 7 or 8 degrees and about 50 degrees. The most dangerous temperature range is around 30 degrees in summer. Also, there are some bacteria that are not completely killed by the heat of low-temperature cooking. They go into a dormant state when heated or cooled, but they come back to life when the temperature returns to the growth temperature. Even if there are bad bacteria, food poisoning will not occur if the number is extremely small. However, if their numbers increase explosively, they will produce large amounts of toxins that cause food poisoning. Therefore, it is strictly prohibited to expose food to the breeding temperature range for a long time.
In the world of commercial cooking, of course, this must be taken into consideration when cooking, storing ingredients, and finished products. The problem is what happens after low-temperature cooking. After cooking, finished products that are not to be eaten immediately must be cooled quickly. This rapid cooling device, called a "chiller," is always installed in large-scale cooking and state-of-the-art kitchens. The "chilled refrigeration products" that have recently been introduced in convenience stores are the result of this. If food is rapidly cooled and stored at a temperature of 4 degrees or less, it can maintain its freshness for about a week. Since it is not frozen, the texture is not affected and the heating time is short. It is also a technology that is more energy-efficient than freezing.
Of course, there is no such device at home. However, the principle is simple, so you can do the same thing at home for small amounts of food. Just put the cooked food in a waterproof bag, remove the air, and cool it in ice water. All you have to do is lower the core temperature to 5 degrees within 30 minutes of cooking and then store it in the refrigerator. This will dramatically extend the shelf life of your side dishes. Modern refrigerators are equipped with a "chilled compartment" that can handle this temperature range. However, it is strictly forbidden to store warm foods in the chilled compartment straight away. This is because, although the chilled compartment has the function of maintaining a temperature of below 4 degrees, just before freezing, it does not have the function of rapidly cooling food. Therefore, the correct way to use it is to rapidly cool food in ice water before storing it in the chilled compartment.
If you treat low-temperature cooked bacon in this way, it will stay fresh for up to a month in the chilled compartment.

Guide to where to find ingredients
