
低糖質な明日葉尽くしの緑のクッキー Low-sugar green cookies made with ashitaba angelica:おまかせ小品集 Chef's choice dishes collection


A collection of small dishes served on "Midnight Diner" (a story that took place long before the TV drama "Midnight Diner"). We served anything as long as we had the ingredients. Since it was mostly improvisation, we made hundreds of dishes, but we will recreate little by little the ones that remind us of our customers' episodes (we have dramatized some of the more inappropriate stories).

The inspiration for the recipe


One of my regular customers was a couple who had a villa in Izu. Although it was a villa, it was a plot of land that had been sold as a "villa for sale with an open-air bath" during the period of rapid economic growth, and after the oil crisis it had fallen into such a state that it could almost be called a ruin. This couple, who love hot springs, acquired the property at a bargain price of about a million yen. However, the reality was not so sweet. In an apartment with a hot spring, there is a caretaker who maintains it and you can take a bath 24 hours a day. However, this is not the case with this detached villa. When they arrive at the villa on Friday at the weekend, the first thing they have to do is clean the open-air bath. During the time they are away, a large amount of dirt and fallen leaves accumulate in the open-air bath. They sweatily remove the sediment, clean it with a deck brush, and wash away the dirt. Then, they wait for the hot water to accumulate, and finally they can take a bath. But that's not all. On Sunday afternoon when they return to Kamakura, they have to drain the water and scrub off the limescale with a deck brush before leaving. Then they get drenched in sweat again, so they have to take a shower again, even though they have a hot spring. Still, they didn’t give up and went there regularly, about once a month, by car. Because there were no people there, it was quiet and there were no city lights, and the starry sky seen from the open-air bath seemed to be exceptional.
On a midsummer day, on their way back from their villa, they stopped by my bar late at night by car. They couldn't drink because they were driving, so they only came for a meal. I noticed that they were carrying a large plastic bag. They had brought "Ashitaba". When they went to their villa for the first time in a while, the garden was apparently taken over by Ashitaba. The doctor had warned this husband to be careful about diabetes for a long time. So, a long time ago, I made him "Ashitaba Genovese Pasta". Ashitaba is effective against diabetes. He seemed to remember this, and while he was mowing the grass at his villa he went and cut down all the ashitaba that were growing in the garden and brought them over.


It's true that this amount of ashitaba cannot be consumed in "tempura" or "ohitashi (boiled vegetable salad)". Also, since it was a little off season, the leaves were starting to get a little hard. I had pasta and walnuts on hand, so I made "Ashitaba Genovese Pasta" for them that night. I also gave them the leftover ashitaba Genovese paste as a souvenir. Still, half of the leaves were left. I promised them that I would make something with the ashitaba by the next day, and took the remaining ashitaba leaves.
No matter how effective it is for diabetes, it's not possible to keep eating it every day when combined with high-sugar pasta. So I came up with the idea of ​​making low-sugar cookies that last a long time. I had heard the husband, who has a sweet tooth, lament that he couldn't snack. Cookies last a long time and are perfect for a snack. As expected, they seemed to be happy with them. Much time has passed since then, and the couple has sold their villa in Izu, but they have now bought a condominium with hot springs in Kusatsu and are enjoying their retirement.


My partner picked some angelica leaves, the last remnants of early summer, from a nearby vacant lot, so we recreated these cookies for the first time in a long time.

Today's Ingredients:


Harvested ashitaba (leaves and stems)*
Dried dates
Coconut fine
Almond powder
Okara(tofu residue) powder
Soy milk
Japanese pepper powder
Cinnamon powder
Fructooligosaccharides (without added glucose)
Natural salt
※You can also use ashitaba powder.



For the ashitaba, separate the stems from the leaves and set aside. The separated stems will be "boiled in honey (here, oligosaccharides are used instead of hany or sugar)". You can find a recipe for sugar boiled ashitaba stem in a previous article.
If the leaves have grown too large, remove the thick veins with a knife.


Soak the dried dates in water for about 10 minutes to soften them.
Boil the leaves in boiled water, cool them under running water, and squeeze out the water. Roughly cut them into pieces, mix with a small amount of soy milk, and make a paste in a mixer.
Add the rehydrated dried dates and crush them too.
Put the paste of the angelica leaves and dates into a bowl, add the coconut fine, almond flour, soy pulp powder, sesame seeds, natural salt, cinnamon powder, and Japanese pepper powder, and knead well. If there is not enough liquid, adjust with soy milk.
Add the finely chopped "ashitaba stem in boiled in honey" and mix roughly.
Place cooking paper on an oven tray. Scoop the dough into bite-sized pieces with a spoon and place it on top.
Place in a toaster oven (or a regular oven) preheated to 180 degrees Celsius and bake for about 20 minutes. If your toaster oven does not have a temperature control function, check the progress of the browning halfway through, and if it looks like it is about to burn, place a sheet of aluminum foil on top.
The baked cookies will crumble easily, so wait until they have cooled sufficiently before removing them from the oven.

Recipe tips and variation


This recipe is for people to eat a lot of ashitaba, so I've included a fair amount, but it's up to you.
You can use regular okara instead of okara powder. In that case, adjust the moisture with soy milk.
You can add chopped walnuts or cashew nuts instead of sesame seeds.
You can adjust the sweetness by changing the sweetness of the "Ashitaba stems simmered in honey" and the amount of dates. If you don't care about your blood sugar level, you can add brown sugar or other sweetness.
You can replace the cinnamon powder and Japanese pepper powder with other spices to your liking.
If you don't have a toaster oven, you can line a frying pan with cooking paper, cover it, and cook both sides over low heat.
You can also use other vegetables or herbs instead of ashitaba leaves in this recipe. If it's in season, you can use corn, pumpkin, tsurumurasaki, bitter melon, okra, mulukhiyah, basil, shiso, perilla, and other vegetables or herbs.

Guide to where to get ingredients and equipment


*I participate in Amazon affiliate programs. If you purchase this product by clicking here, it will help pay for my coffee, so I would be very happy. By the way, I am addicted to coffee.
