現状に不満があるなら考え方をデザインしてしまえばいい「LIFE DESIGN スタンフォード式最高の人生設計」
みなさんは現状の状況や人生に100%満足していますか? もしそうでないなら、少しでも不満があるなら、この本が役に立つこと間違いなしです。就活中や、キャリアを迷っている方にもおすすめです。なぜなら、デザイナー思考を身に着けると、物事の見え方がガラリと変わってくるはずだから。
なぜそんなことが可能になるのか? 人生を「デザインする」という思考を身に着けると、全く新しい武器、「新たな視点」で物事を見ることができるようになるからです。
の五つだ。(LIFE DESIGN,p.34-35より引用)
My thoughts in English
This book tells us very important lessons; you can live only one life, but ideal life designs can be multiple way, you can live differently at any stage of life. Why is it possible? Learning the design thinking make us to see things in life for whole new perspective.
Life design is the process of things which changes the point of view, keeps making prototype and continues to try out in the field of real life. This is the definition of life design in this book.
Life design mindset are those 5 elements.
1. Curiosity
2. Behaviorism
3. Change the point of view
4. Perception
5. Extreme collaboration (From LIFE DESIGN, p.34-35)
Based on this mindset, we are going to reconsider our life like, is it corresponding view of both job and life, or what is our true issue?
If you find the issue, you have to have your own principle and then, change the view, and make the adventurous plan.
First one of interesting idea from this book is design thinking which makes lots of prototype and experiment can be applied for life. I had no idea that can be even I was architecture student who think about in many perspectives for buildings.
Second, the very first idea is not that very good enough so you have to make a lots of ideas and take small actions in real. If you take many small actions, you can get many various knowledges which can help you to find your fitness.
Third, you have to let go of other ideas and move forward once you chose one after making prototype and experiment. You are going to waste your time if you reconsider and be worried about other idea. If there are issues, then you can think about it. This lesson helps us to get the tolerance of failure and gain experience.
If you lost in the way of life, I recommend you this book.