
【読書】‘三日坊主’なあなたは読んだ方がいい!「やり抜く人の9つの習慣 コロンビア大学の成功の科学」English is below.


 みなさんは今まで何かをやろう!と決めて、でも結局挫折した経験はありますか? 私はしょっちゅうあります。新年の誓いは毎年2月~3月あたりで破ってしまうのが恒例です。また挫折してもた…もう私なんかクソやわ…という罪悪感までがセット。
 しかし! 「やり抜く人の9つの習慣 コロンビア大学の成功の科学」は、読み進めていくうちに、これが私が挫折した原因か!と目からうろこが落ちるほど親切に、かつ心理学的にやり抜くためには何をすればよいのかを教えてくれます。
 私はkindleの回し者ではありませんが、kindle大好きマンなので、今ならprime reading で本書が読めるのもアツい。貧乏学生の味方、ありがとうprime reading 。






[ハイディ・グラント・ハルバーソン. やり抜く人の9つの習慣 コロンビア大学の成功の科学 (Kindle の位置No.368-369). 株式会社ディスカヴァー・トゥエンティワン. Kindle 版.]




My thought in English.

  Have you ever had some experience that you set your own goal with strong will then three weeks later you felt like your goal is evaporate somehow? I have been lots of times of things like that. Also, my every single New Year’s resolution will be broken thought February to March. The terrible thing is, I will fell so guilty about that every single year too.
  However, I found this book called “9 Things Successful People Do Differently”. This book keeps my hand turning pages to pages because it’s so easy and interesting to read. Friendly writing with many practical experiences and thesis, I can be able to easily figure out what was my problems of setting my goals.
  Of course, I am 100% NOT sponsored by Amazon or Kindle, but I love kindle. In Japan, this book can be read for free with prime reading. Thanks for prime reading, you saved little poor Japanese student today.
  One of best parts of this book is telling what we cand do with many practical experiences and thesis. This helps me much better understanding. If the argues are going only with willpower on and on, I will not be able to apply my real issue because many things are not be solved by willpower itself.
  My favorite part of this book is telling us setting our goals with the attitude of “what will I be able to in the future”, not “what can I do now.” This make sense if you want to be better, not counting things I have already knew. In my case, not setting goals like “I am good at listening English, so keep going on,” but “I want to be able to write English because this is what I can’t now” or moreover “I want to work with foreign clients with my writing English skill.”
  This book motivates me a lot. I am going to get going before this feeling goes! After finishing this note, I will consider about my goals. I want to hear what your goal is!


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