
No.5 『ニュートピア』 "NEWTOPIA" (インドネシア)

★初めましての方は、まずこちらの記事をどうぞ ⤵


共同製作: NHK







3.Key words and phrases

shaman = シャーマン、まじない師、祈祷師
let go of ~ =  ~を手放す、諦める、忘れる
clan = 一族
initiate = 始める、入会させる
ritual = 儀式
ancestor = 先祖
heaps of ~ = 山ほどの~
ambivalent = 決めかねる、曖昧な、微妙な
Mentawaian = メンタワイ人
sagu trees = サゴヤシ  *デンプンが取れる
bark = (木の)皮
urge = 衝動、本能
sustainable = 維持できる、持続可能な
trait = 特徴、特質
preach = 説教する、説いて勧める
hygiene = 衛生の、衛生状態
intestinal worms = 腸内寄生虫、回虫
cling to ~ = ~にしがみつく、固執する
restoration = 復元、回復、修復
pursuit for ~ = ~を求めて、追及して
inherit = 相続する、継承する



Day 1  アムンゼン、再びジャングルへ

This is Aman Paksa, in 2004.  I was an adventurous backpacker trying to make sense of the world.  For years I had been trying to get as far away from my own culture as possible.  I ended up here, deep in the jungle of Indonesia.  Aman Paksa had no money, electricity or machines.  It was like a tale from my childhood had come to life.  I stayed in this dreamlike world for over a month before I had to go back to my home in Norway.  I was never really able to let go of the jungle after returning to my country.  It's been 4 years since I was here the first time.  Aman Paksa and his clan live in the remote inner regions of the island.  I have to hire a couple of guys to take me upriver.  I want to live in the jungle and document the pure and natural life I experienced when I was here the first time.  I have left everything behind and spent all my money on camera equipment and solar panels.  (178 words)

アマン・パクサとは2004年に出会った。私は世界のことを知りたくて冒険の旅に出た。何年も自国の文化から遠く離れようとしてきた。そして インドネシアのジャングルにたどり着いた。アマンの生活はお金や電気、機械とは無縁だった。まるで子どもの頃に読んだ物語の世界のようだった。私はこの夢のような世界に1ヵ月滞在したあと、ノルウェーに帰った。故郷に帰っても忘れることはできなかった。そして、最初にここに来てから4年が経った。アマンと彼の一族は島の奥地に住んでいる。川を上るのに人を2人雇った。密林に住み、純粋で自然に満ちた生活を記録したかった。最初にここで経験したように。私はすべてを捨て、カメラ機材と太陽光パネルに全財産を費やした。

Day 2  アマン一族の歓迎

Aman Paksa and the clan immediately initiate a long ceremony of rituals. They have to make sure that the spirits of the jungle and their ancestors get to know me and all the strange stuff I have brought.  "Be protected O’goods and O’house. We will use this house and these things with respect. We accept everything in our life unconditionally until old age."  Last time I stayed with Aman Paksa, I came with just a few things and no plans.  This time I have heaps of equipment, and I'm full of anticipation and ideas. Aman Paksa seems a bit ambivalent,  but they take an immediate interest in the solar panels I have brought to charge my camera. I'm excited to offer them permanent electric lighting.  "It doesn't look bright."  Aman Paksa's wife, Bai Paksa, is harder to impress. Bai Paksa doesn't speak Indonesian,  so I am determined to learn the local language.  (152 words)

アマンと一族はすぐに長い儀式を執り行ってくれた。密林の精と先祖が私や私の持ち物を受け入れてくれるようにだ。「これらの物と家が守られますように。家とこれらの物を大切に使います。生活のすべての物をいつまでも大切に使い続けます」 以前 アマンの家に泊まった時は荷物は少なく計画もなかった。今回は山のような荷物とやりたいことがたくさんある。アマンは困惑していたようだが、すぐにカメラの充電用ソーラーパネルに興味をもった。彼らに電灯をつけてあげることに私はワクワクしていた。「あまり明るくないね」 アマンの妻バイはさほど感動してくれない。バイはインドネシア語を話せないので、私が現地語を覚えることにした。

Day 3  忍び寄る文明

Mentawaians have harvested sagu trees for thousands of years.  It is the main food source for both humans and animals in Mentawai. Aman's parents have processed sagu the traditional way all their life.  But their son has introduced some new ideas since the last time I visited. 
"This time you have a lot of plastic. Plastic roof and plastic…"
"Plastic so the sagu won't be spilled all over."
"You didn't use plastic before."
"That's right.  Before we used just the bark of the tree."
"Before it was made of coconut hair?"
In order to get plastic products, Aman Paksa needs money.
"We used to pay with chickens and pigs."
"So now it's up to money."
"Yes, money. Just a lot of money."
I'm not so enthusiastic about all the plastic stuff and clothing they have acquired.  Even though their lifestyle is basically the same, I feel like it's ruining my film.  Now they have a watch.  Aman trades everything in order to get more modern accessories.  I feel an urge to leave those things out of the film,  but I decide that reality has to come first.  (185 words)


Day 4  ジャングルでの生活

I'm thinking that, in many ways, Aman's world is better developed than mine. I don't think the society I come from has found a balance with the environment like the Mentawaians have.  It's like they have reached a mature stability, while my world suffers growing pains.  Aman works about three hours a day on average.  In his clan, there are small differences in wealth.  They live environmentally sustainable and there is a really low crime rate.  Basically, they seem like a bunch of happy people.  Aman is a shaman and medicine man.  When someone is sick, people come to him for help.  It's fascinating how they have figured out the medicinal traits of different plants through generations of trial and error. But there is no denying that most of their health problems can be avoided with simple measures. I preach about better hygiene and the dangers of tobacco, but it seems like nobody cares. Half a year has passed.  I have never felt my body fall apart so quickly as in the jungle. Infections, parasites, intestinal worms and poisonous insects makes life miserable.  (185 words)

いろいろな点でアマンの世界は私の世界よりうまくできている。メンタワイの世界のほうが環境とのバランスがよく取れている。我々が成長に苦しむ一方で、彼らの世界は成熟して安定している。アマンは1日平均3時間だけ働く。一族で貧富の差は ほとんどない。環境に優しい生き方をしていて、犯罪率も低い。基本的に彼らは幸せな人たちだ。アマンは祈祷師で呪術医だ。人々は病気になると彼のところに来る。先祖代々、試行錯誤の末に適切な薬草を見つけてきたことは驚きに値する。だが、彼らのほとんどの健康問題には単純な解決法がある。衛生状態を改善してタバコを止めるように言っているが、誰も耳を貸さない。6ヵ月が経った。自分の体が密林でこんなにすぐダメになるなんて…。感染症や寄生虫に回虫、毒虫などにかなり悩まされた。 

Day 5  島の外で働くアマン

Aman makes the journey to the mainland for the first time in his life.  I promised to help him find a job so he can earn money.  We arrive in Padang, a city with over 1 million people on the west coast of Sumatra. Just before we arrived in Padang, an earthquake had struck the city.  The restoration opens up opportunities in the construction business.
"This is destroyed."
"Is it destroyed by the earthquake?"
"Yes. It's certainly because of the earthquake."
"So they are rebuilding again?"
"Yes, they are building a new one."
Aman figures that a chainsaw will help him get a job. When he asks me to buy him one, I feel like I can't say no.  I've been clinging to the Mentawaian past for too long. I see that a chainsaw will make Aman's life much easier.  I want to help him as a friend, like he has helped me to survive in the jungle. Aman invites some of his clan members over to help out. They are hired to build a cafe.  (171 words)

アマンは生まれて初めて本土に行くことに決めた。私も彼の仕事探しを手伝うと約束した。スマトラ島西岸 人口100万人以上の街パダンに着いた。私たちが着く直前、パダンは地震に見舞われた。街の復旧は建設業にはチャンスとなった。
「地震のせいで こんなになったのか?」
「そう 地震のせいだ」
「今 建て直してるんだね?」
「そうだね 新しいのを建ててる」

Day 6  アマンは村に戻り息子は学校へ

After the job in Padang, Aman returns to Mentawai.  He settles in the village to continue his pursuit for money and stuff.  Four years later, I want to see how he is doing.  I meet a skinny Aman Paksa with a village haircut.  He tells me that he almost died from smoking.  His slow paced life and short workdays are long gone, but he has managed to build a new house and buy all the stuff he wanted.  Now, they have a house with rooms.  They already have a TV.  And a DVD player.  When I first met Aman, he wanted his son, Sonin, to inherit the land, become a medicine man and live a traditional life like himself. 
"Sonin, you are going to school now."
The future of the clans are (is) going in a different direction.  The island is booming with people, cars, banks and cell phone towers.  It's too late for regrets.

一族の未来は違う方向へ向かっている。島は多くの人や車であふれ、銀行や携帯電話の基地局まであった。もう 昔には戻れない。

Day 7  離れていても変わらぬ友情

We have grown closer after years of being apart.  Past struggles have been lost in time and what's left is a feeling of love.
"We have known each other for twelve years.  What do you want in the future?"
"An aeroplane!"
"An aeroplane?"
"Because then we can meet easily. Directly from here to Padang."
"Yes. And then to Norway to meet me. We can meet. It won't take long."
"Walking would be slow."
Aman Paksa has made the choice to continue his original life in the jungle. I choose to believe that the future is looking brighter than the past.  If our civilisation is human made, hopefully we are able to make a conscious choice about the future shape of our creation.
The Mentawaians together as one. 
The Mentawaians together as one. 
We accept with gratitude. 
In the coming years of this simple place.
Nice, nice, nice.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
The Mentawaians together as one.
The Mentawaians together as one.   (151 words)

「簡単に会えるようになるだろ? パダンまで ひとっ飛びだ」
「ノルウェーまでも ひとっ飛びで僕に会いに来られる。会うのに時間がかからないね」
これからも この静かな場所で
素晴らしいね 美しいね



『ニュートピア』 "NEWTOPIA"

映像字幕翻訳者: 浦田貴美枝


https://onl.la/Xngg8Ey (kindle版)
https://onl.bz/c3m3Fcd (kindle版)
https://x.gd/ySA4m (ペーパーバック版)

Blog: 『アラカンからのチャレンジ』

Copyright@2024 Kimie Urata note

