
Was I supposed to cry for you?

We had a lot of good times the intimacy, the tears, the struggles you went through, it was good. We were together all the way, but the distance, -and a couple of bad decisions brought us to where we are now.

But after all this time, we failed to harness the teaching of forgiveness and tolerance. The things that make relationships last. We aren't perfect beings, and so tolerance and forgiveness with the perception that your partner is from a pure heart was of utmost. importance.

Anyway we failed each other, because we lacked both forgiveness and tolerance ...

Because we had neither forgiveness, nor tolerance, we failed to resonate. It became more apparent how we could build nothing that would last, because to promise to love, was to promise to hurt, but we can never move from hurt without love's forgiveness.

So goodbye to you. I hope you treat whoever you get with a different head. Will you find me still there when you come back? Perhaps not. I chose to also let you go. You are now but another grain of sand in the ocean . So goodbye to you.
