小倉山の中腹にある、四季折々の彩をみせる常寂光寺 Jojakko-ji Temple on the hillside of Mt. Ogura, showing the colors of the four seasons
Ogurayama Jojakko-ji Temple is a few minutes' walk from Nison-in Temple. This temple was built in the first year of Keicho (1596) during the Azuchi-Momoyama period by a wealthy merchant, Suminokura Ryoi, who owned a mansion in Sagano, donating the temple territory to Honkokuji 16th Nishin.
After passing through the mountain gate, you will find the Niomon gate. This Niomon was built as the south gate of Honkoku-ji Temple during the Nanbokucho period and was relocated to Jojakko-ji Temple. The statue of Nio is enshrined after being moved from Chogen-ji Temple in Wakasa Province. After passing through the Niomon gate and climbing the stone steps, you will find the main hall. The temple is covered with dark green and is located on the hillside at the foot of Mt. Ogura. Many worshipers come to see the colors of the four seasons.
In the precincts, a stone monument is built as the site of Shigure-tei, a mountain cottage on Mt. Ogura, which is said to have been selected by the Fujiwara no Teika. (The site of Shigure-tei is also the site of the nearby Nison-in Temple and Enrian Temple, but it is not clear where it was.) I will introduce the precincts covered with dark green with photos.
リポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe