
歴史が生んだ職人の技、「堺包丁」 A Historic Craft, "Sakai Knives"

そのむかし、大阪 堺は、日本でも有数の港町として栄えた。海からの荷物が上がり大坂(大阪)へ、京へと運ばれて行った。堺の港から大坂の道修町や北浜までの街道が、いまの大阪の南北を走る幹線道路、堺筋である。

A long time ago, Sakai, Osaka prospered as one of Japan’s leading port towns. Goods brought in by sea passed through Sakai on their way to Osaka and Kyoto. The road from the Port of Sakai to Doshomachi and Kitahama in Osaka is called Sakaisuji, and it is still the main road running from South to North Osaka today. Since so many different products came into Japan via Sakai, there was a saying that “Everything begins in Sakai”. Many traditional industries still exist in Sakai, but it is perhaps most well-known for its metalwork and knives.


Knives made in Sakai are branded “Sakai-uchimono” and are widely recognized for their high-quality. The origin of Sakai-uchimono dates back many centuries. According to research, to the time of Emperor Nintoku and the construction of the world’s largest keyhole-shaped burial mound in the Sakai area sometime between the 3rd and 6th century AD, which last year was recognised as a world heritage side. At the time, a lot of tools and equipment was needed for the construction of the burial mound, so blacksmiths from around the country gathered in Sakai where they settled and built villages. A few centuries later, in the 16th century, tobacco was imported from Portugal and became widely popular amongst the population of Japan. Responding to the increased need to cut tobacco leaves, the blacksmiths in Sakai began to manufacture knives for the first time. The excellence of these tobacco knives was recognised by the Edo Shogunate at the time and they were given a special hallmark called “Sakai-kiwame” before being sold around the country.


In the pamphlet, the knives are often referred to as a “cutting tool” or “blade” as opposed to a “kitchen knife”. When I asked about this, I was told that the process of creating the knives is divided into stages. The work of the blacksmith, who heats and hammers the iron and steel, is called "forging". Next is the "sharpening" stage, in which the edge of the blade is sharpened and perfected. Finally, the blades are attached to handles and sent to wholesalers to be sold.



These three stages make up the “Sakai brand” and all take place within Sakai. However, many knives that are sold today which claim to be Sakai knives are not actually genuine “Sakai brand” products. In fact, fewer and fewer knifes are being made using Sakai’s step-by-step forging and sharpening process.


This time, I was also able to visit a blacksmith’s workshop called Enami Blade Factory, which specialises in cutting tools for personal use. Right now, Tadashi Enami (pictured) is working hard alone at the workshop. Tadashi is a fourth-generation blacksmith. He told me that he decided to become a blacksmith whilst he was still in elementary school after watching his father. It has now been 40 years since Tadashi graduated and followed in his father’s footsteps.



All of Tadashi Enami’s products are sold in Tokyo. Whilst the coke is burning in the forge, a long iron rod is inserted and heated to around 700 degrees centigrade. Once the iron begins to glow bright red, the steel is placed at the end of the iron bar and it is placed back into the forge. This steel will eventually become the blade. The ideal temperature is reached at around 1100 degrees centigrade.


It is said that knowing when to remove the steel from the forge is an art perfected through years of experience. If the blacksmith misjudges the temperature, then the quality of the knife will suffer. Once the steel has been heated to the ideal temperature, it is removed from the forge and placed into the hydraulic forging press. The speed and intervals of this press are adjusted by a foot pedal. Before your eyes the steel grows longer as it is struck by the press. Also, through this process of striking the iron and steel, the impurities are removed and the two are joined. This moment is the result of years of hard work and experience.


Nowadays, classes of school children visit the workshop on educational visits and experience making knives for themselves. Enami says that he does not only want children to know that Sakai is home to this traditional industry, but he also wants them to experience the high-level of craftsmanship that goes into making a single Sakai kitchen knife. He hopes that this will help to emphasise to the children the importance of valuing things.

レポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二

Article and photos by Yuji Watanabe

