「考える人」は単に迫力の造形美。観る側に努力を強いる 【京博Ⅱ】 The "thinker" is simply a powerful modeling beauty. Force efforts to watch
数年前、「琳派 京を彩る」特別展覧会を京都国立博物館に観に行って際に、いつも敷地内にある明治古都館などいくつかの気になる建造物などに立ち寄る。その一つが「考える人」のロダン作の銅像。いつ観ても"なにを考えているのだろう" と想像を巡らす。
A few years ago, when I visited the Kyoto National Museum for a special exhibition "Coloring the Rinpa Kyoto," I always stopped by some interesting structures such as the Meiji Kotokan on the premises. One of them is a statue of "The Thinker" by Rodin. Imagine what I was thinking, no matter what I saw.
The other day I saw it from a different perspective than usual. The right elbow is placed on the left leg knee and the left hand is also placed on the left leg. It is a slightly complicated pose. The reason was interesting. I introduced it because it was written as follows in the explanation on the museum's website.
"The "thinker" is just in the pose of thinking, and what Rodin really wanted to express was the complex body structure of the right hand supporting the tilted upper body and the left hand resting on the foot." The strength and beauty of muscles and unusually large limbs..."
In that case, the pose of the "thinker" simply expresses the beauty of muscles. It is a sculpture that pursues only the power of form, rather than the meaning of the background. Where is the background as art in a deep dimension?
It seems to be a sculpture that forces the viewer to make an effort to find and imagine the angle they feel from the viewer's own perspective.
Not only sculptures, but works of art, which are based on the standard, seem to test the imagination of the viewers.
国立西洋美術館の「地獄の門」/ The Gate of Hell at the National Museum of Western Art
レポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二
Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe