般若心経276文字を毛筆で書くのは苦行!! 【仏画曼陀羅アート】 Writing 276 characters of Heart Sutra with a brush is a penance !!
The task presented in search of simplicity is surprisingly difficult.
The main subject of each class of Buddhist painting mandala art this month is Heart Sutra.
Write 276 characters of the Heart Sutra on Japanese paper with a length of 1.2 m and a width of 60 cm. The writing range is actually writing with a brush within 85 cm x 35 cm, which is exactly calligraphy. If you are accustomed to writing brushes, you may be able to write it, but for beginners, it seems that you can't say anything.
“これに筆で書くのですか?” とほぼ全員からこのような質問を投げかけられたが、ただ、 “はい、そうです” と答えた。般若心経の見本はあるが、その見本の書体に倣って書くのではなく、自分の字で書いてほしいというのが今回の要望である。
Almost everyone asked, "Do we write this with a brush?", But just answered, "Yes, that's right." There is a sample of the Heart Sutra, but this time I would like you to write it in your own character instead of following the typeface of the sample.
For the students, it is psychology that they want to write neatly, but they tell them to write their own letters with a brush. I'm convinced that I can't write without a brush because I write one character in a 2 cm square frame.
To get rid of it, you can write any typeface as long as it doesn't stick out of the frame. On the contrary, the big aim is to have people write their own characters in a straightforward manner.
The first task is to copy the statue of Dainichi Nyorai, 63 cm long and 30 cm wide, with a pencil in the center of Japanese paper, and then write the Heart Sutra explained earlier. The finish is such that the figure of Nyorai standing under the Heart Sutra can be seen faintly, and it is an image of being wrapped in the Heart Sutra and continuing to pray.

I hope that each person will have a different work. And a fun work full of originality should be born.
Yesterday, the Butsunichi-ji classroom was shown, though it was in the middle of the process. Among them, Heart Sutra also came to make a sample by herself and lay it on this paper to copy it. However, when she laid the sample and copied it (practice), she realized that it would be more lively to write by ignoring the sample and hitting it against the main paper. I'm looking forward to seeing her next time.

リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe