
謡本も、当時の形体のままで継承されている。 The utai book is also inherited in its original form.


Noh is a classical performing art that consists of three elements: dance, utai, and hayashi. In modern terms, dance is acting / dancing, utai is dialogue, and hayashi is accompaniment / sound effects. If you express it in an easy-to-understand manner according to the current era, you may be scolded by Noh people as "not". It may be said that the words "Mai" for Mai, "Utai" for Utai, and "Hayashi" for Hayashi are also inherited as assets.



Among them, "Utai" is the part that corresponds to the vocal music of Noh, and is the script of the story to be performed. Utai is a general term for the parts of Noh that are expressed in language, including the dialogue of the characters and the backing chorus part called Jiutai. In the case of Noh, special dialogues and clauses are attached to this. This creates a unique atmosphere of Noh.


Singing without a musical accompaniment is called "sutai", not only during performances. I hear that there are many people who are practicing only that now. It seems that the reason is that this practice of making a voice out of the stomach is good for your health.




The photo shows one of the types of utai books inherited by the Kanze school. As you can see, it is still a traditional Japanese-style binding of Tokusuki calligraphy with a zigzag cover. Each song describes the author, concept, materials, song taste, commentary, costume, and direction. Even in this chant, it has been inherited without breaking its old form.

レポート & 写真 /  渡邉雄二  トップの写真はコロナ対策をしながらの謡稽古

Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe

Top Photo / Lesson

