
目を惹いた、絢爛な「鼻煙壷」。大阪市立東洋陶磁美術館   An eye-catching, gorgeous "snuff bottle". The Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka


There was an eye-catching corner in one corner of the Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka. It's a gorgeous and cute "snuff bottle" corner. It was unfamiliar in Japan, and I wondered what it was at first, but it looked like a small and beautiful container.


If you read the commentary, you will find a small container for powdered snuff. It was introduced from the Americas to Europe and then to China, and it was performed at the royal palace of the Qing dynasty, and it seems that it became popular as a gorgeous art and craft unique to China.


Its materials are made from pottery, glass, metal, precious stones, animals and plants, and it is decorated with beautiful Chinese craftsmanship. These snuff bottles were created by transforming the container from a European box-shaped container to a closed container unique to China.


By the way, snuff seems to have spread to the general public as a way to enjoy the scent and irritation by inhaling or rubbing powdered tobacco into the nasal cavity.


It is exhibited as the "Shoichiro Oki Collection" in the corner beyond the space of Lounge 1 on the 2nd floor of the museum. Shoichiro Oki, who died four years ago, is a businessman who was the president of the first FamilyMart. 1200 works were donated to Osaka City by him.


レポート & 写真 /  渡邉雄二  展示 /  大阪市立東洋陶磁美術館

Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe

Exhibition / Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka

