箕面教室ともに「心経曼陀羅」にチャレンジ ! Challenge "Shinkyo Mandala" in Minoh classrooms!
In the production of Buddhist painting mandala art, we start by copying Buddhist paintings and add color to the copied Buddhist paintings. Then write the Heart Sutra in the space. It is a procedure of a series of work.
Each classroom is currently working on is "Shinkyo Mandala". A mandala that consists of the Heart Sutra (Heart Sutra) at Chudai Hachiyoin in the center of the womb mandala. This is an attempt to draw 4 Nyorai and 4 Bodhisattva together with Shinkyo, centering on Dainichi Nyorai found in the Taizo Mandala, which is a combination of Shinkyo and Buddhist paintings.
The shape is to write the heart sutra on a vertically rectangular paper book and draw each Bodhisattva Buddhist painting one by one. First of all, we are working on the production of 5 pieces of 4 Bodhisattva including Dainichi Nyorai located in the center.
The prescribed tasks are Kanzeon, Monjyu, Fugen, Miroku's Bodhisattva Buddhist paintings and Heart Sutra, and the size, position, color, etc. are expressed in the prescribed size of paper to create a mandala.
l was shown the heart sutra with Dainichi Nyorai, who is the center of the mandala, which is the first step in the Minoh classroom the other day. In addition to that, the ones in the process of producing the previous assignments were also shown.
リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 作品/ 仏画曼陀羅アート箕面教室 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe