この時期だからこそ、いままでにないチャレンジを This is the time when new challenges are born.
Yesterday, Prime Minister Abe issued an emergency declaration to seven prefectures. As you already know, the only thing we can do now is to practice what every consumer needs to do. That is, wash hands with soap, gargle thoroughly, and stop unnecessary emergence in order to avoid "closed, dense, close", which is said to be 3 dense. That is the way to end the new coronavirus.
In such a situation, the times and society are rapidly progressing. It is now urgent that it will be considered and addressed in the years ahead, such as in the medical field, drug development, and work methods. When it comes to work, it is "telework." Some companies have been responding for several years, but this has made teleworking a matter of course.
こういう事態で抑制された中、逆にチャンスとして捉えられた。この時期だからこそ、いままで思いもつかなかったことを創造し実践する “チャレンジタイム” にしていきたいと思っている。
A few days ago, I had a meeting with people at my office (Asulight) face-to-face on a PC or Smartphone. This is the first time in a long life. It seems that l jumped up the stairs three steps at a stretch as an inexperienced person. That was possible thanks to the support and cooperation of the young staff.
Living constrained by such situations caught as an opportunity. This is the only time we want to create a “challenge time” where we can create and practice things we never thought of before.
Take care !
レポート / 渡邉雄二 写真 / フリー画像を使用
Reported by Yuji Watanabe / Photos reprint freely usable images