
泉涌寺塔頭「雲龍院」の美しさ。 【雲龍院Ⅰ」  “The beauty of Unryu-in, a subsidiary temple of Sennyu-ji"

神社仏閣が好きで心赴くままに参拝鑑賞させていただいている。その中でよく訪ねる寺院がいくつかある。その一つが、京都東山にある真言宗泉涌寺派の総本山である御寺 泉涌寺(みてら せんにゅうじ)。ご存じの方も多いと思うが、皇室と深いかかわりのある仏教寺院である。昨年の、天皇陛下・皇后陛下の「即位の礼」のあとに京都をお訪ねになった時にもご参拝された寺院である。

As an admirer of shrines and temples, I often go just to wander around the grounds and pay my respects. Of all the temples that I have been to, there are a few that I visit regularly. One of these temples is Sennyu-ji in Higashiyama, Kyoto, the head temple of the Shingon sect of Buddhism. As some of you may already know, it is a temple that has long been associated with the Japanese Imperial Family. The new Emperor and Empress even visited to pay their respects after their enthronement ceremony last year.



I also visited the main temple Sennyu-ji, however, the purpose of my trip this time was to visit one of its subsidiary temples, Unryu-in. It has become a place that I visit regularly, in part due to the magnificent hand-copied sutras and the equally impressive environment in which they are written. Gazing out over the temple’s garden through the sliding doors of the shoin (the temple’s drawing room) whilst enjoying a cup of tea is an incredibly calming experience. All the while, you can appreciate the artistry of this room, characterised by its latticework wooden and paper sliding doors and tatami flooring, it is an architectural element unique to Buddhist temples, and in my opinion, a sacred place for the relaxation of the body and mind.



I wanted to give you a brief introduction to Unryu-in. After the current situation has passed, if you find yourself in Kyoto, it would be great if you could visit the temple for yourself.

レポート & 写真 /  渡邉雄二

Reported & photos / Yuji Watanabe

