“うつくしまつ”。 なんてよい響き! 【松 シリーズⅣ】 Utsukushimatsu". What a good sound!
京都 四条通から花見小路通りを南に下がると、京都の最古の禅寺「建仁寺」がある。その建仁寺塔頭である大中院の門前に珍しい樹木がある。花見小路通りに面しているので、建仁寺の行きかえりは必ず通るのだが、残念ながら気づいたことがなかった。
Go south from Kyoto Shijo-dori along Hanamikoji-dori you will find Kennin-ji, the oldest Zen temple in Kyoto. There is an unusual tree in front of Daichu-in Temple. Because it faces Hanami Koji Street, when you return to Kennin-ji it is sure to pass here but unfortunately I never noticed it.
Last year, a gardener was pruning the rare tree when l happened to pass in front of Daichu-in. My foot stopped and l called casually.
「松ですよ」 という返事が返ってきた。
「赤松の一種です。たしかに少ないかも。滋賀県の湖北には多いですよ」 ということだった。
返ってきた答えが「美松」だった。これがなんと “びまつ・みまつ・びしょう” とは呼ばないらしい。“うつくしまつ"という。なにて響きのよい粋な名前なんだろう、と感動したことを覚えている。
"What is this tree?"
"It's a pine" a reply returned.
"Eh, this is it!"
A pine that I have never seen before.
"It's a kind of red pine. It may be few. There are many in Kohoku in Shiga Prefecture."
When I heard the name, I got a reply saying "Utsukushimatsu".
"What kind of character do you write?"
The answer was "Mimatsu". It seems that this is not called "bimatsu / mimatsu / biso". It is called “Utsukushimatsu”. I remember that I was impressed by what it sounds like and a lovely name.
うつくしまつ / Utsukushimatsu
When l look up that it is an extremely rare pine tree that grows on the slope of Mt. Mimatsu in the northern part of Shiga Prefecture. It is said to be a recessive inheritance and is designated as a national natural monument. As you can see, the tree shape has branches branching radially from near the root. It's like a fan or an umbrella.
The supple and graceful tree shape is more graceful than the rugged pine.
レポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二む
Reported & photo / Yuji Watanabe