「達磨大師」と「不識」が新たな境地をひらく "Bodhidharma Daishi" and "Unknowingness" break new ground
"Unknowing". The words of Bodhidharma Daishi.
This meaning is a word that means "do not know."
At the Shoin of Kennin-ji Temple, there was an axis on which the words "Bodhidharma Daishi" and "unknowing" were drawn.
When I saw it, I saw "Morihiro Hosokawa" in the picture, "President Kenninji" in the letters, and a seal that seems to be the name of the president under it.
現在、建仁寺では「細川護熙 美の世界」瀟湘八景図(しょうしょうはっけいず)襖絵が特別公開されている。ご存じ、元総理大臣の細川護熙さんが1年がかりで描かれ襖絵である。瀟湘八景図は、景勝地として名高い洞庭湖(中国湖南省)付近の景観を絵画化したもの。中国の山水画の伝統的な画題の一つで風光明媚な8名所を描く。細川さんは6面の襖に8つの風景を描いている。
Currently, "The World of Morihiro Hosokawa", Xiaoxiang Eight Views of Xiaoxiang is open to the public. is open to the public at the Kennin-ji temple. As you know, Morihiro Hosokawa, the former Prime Minister, was drawn in a year and is a fusuma painting. The Eight Views of Xiaoxiang is a painting of the landscape near Lake Dongbae (Hunan Province, China), which is famous as a scenic spot. One of the traditional themes of Chinese landscape painting, it depicts eight scenic spots. Mr. Hosokawa draws eight landscapes on six sliding doors.
その大書院の床の間に、この達磨さんの絵が掛けてあった。総理時代の細川さんのイメージからは想像できない力強さが伝わってくる。独特のタッチに惹かれるものがあった。そして賛の「不識」が、達摩さんが発した言葉の勢いそのままに踊っているかのように見えた。 生まれてから身につけてきた知識や経験に惑わされることなく、それらを完全に捨て去ってこそ、「不識」を体得することができる、という禅の教えがこのお軸から伝わってくる。
A picture of the Daruma was hung between the floors of the Daishoin. The image of Mr. Hosokawa when he was the prime minister conveys the power that cannot be imagined. I was attracted to the unique touch. And the "unknowingness" of praise seemed to dance with the momentum of the words that Daruma uttered.
This axis conveys the Zen teaching that you can acquire "unknowingness" only by completely abandoning them without being confused by the knowledge and experience you have acquired since you were born.
Mr. Hosokawa has completely withdrawn from the world of politics and is active in the world of ceramics and painting. From this axis, it seems that the destination that Mr. Hosokawa is aiming for can be seen vaguely. It may be that he has abandoned everything and are seeing a new frontier that will not be confused.
リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 場所/ 建仁寺 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe