文盲の方とって、「絵心経」は御仏の慈悲そのもの。 For those who are illiterate, "Painting Sutra" is the mercy of the Buddha.
I am amazed at the creativity and the challenging nature of the 13 Buddha Mandala productions in which 13 Buddhas are put on a paper with a phoenix and Hannya Sutra. The other works of that person are surprised again. As you can see, the Dainichi Nyorai statue is centered around it, and below it is a pictograph of the modern style.
In fact, this is what is called the "Painting Sutra". For people who could not read in the Edo era, this is a pictorial representation of the letters of the Hannya Shinkyo. When you look at it, it depicts the everyday objects used by the common people of the time. I am surprised that it is expressed in humor.
For example, “Maka”, which is the beginning of the story of Maka nannya haramitsuta shingyo, is drawn with the kettle upside down and read as “maka”. "Hannya" is "Hannya no Men", "Hara" is "belly", "Mitsu" is "mino (farm implement)", "Ta" is "rice pad", "Shingyo" is "Kami no kagami", and so on. There are various fun ideas like playing with words. It seems that this "paintig sutra" spread and became popular as illiterate people entrusted to the mercy of the Buddha.
Those who draw a series of works do not work much in the classroom. She said that I don't know what to draw. We provide Japanese paper and materials and leave it to that person's autonomy. You will be drawn with something truly beautiful and brought. By the way, she is a mid-70s woman.
お一人お一人の個性が発揮され、自分の暮らしに “感謝” や “目標” “喜び” が生まれてくるなら嬉しい限りである。
It would be great if each person could exercise their individuality and create “gratitude”, “goals” and “joy” in their lives.
レポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二 仏画 & 絵文字制作 / 神戸教室の生徒さん
Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe Painting sutra by student