Reflection on Fall 2017 semester -2年目秋学期の振り返り-
Although my last semester at SIPA has just begun, this time I reflect on my learning experiences last semester (fall 2017).
●Public Education Policy Seminar (Grade: A-)
Public Education Policy Skills Training (Grade: P (A))
Public Education Policy Fieldwork (Grade: A)
(Prof. James Liebman and Liz Chu)
Organization: ★★★★★
Contents: ★★★★☆
Workload: ★★★★★
Relevance: ★★★★☆
Explanation: ★★★☆☆
Satisfaction: ★★★★★
前回紹介したEvolutionary Learningのモデルをケーススタディで使いつつ、実際のプロジェクトでは"rapid-cycle testing"というコンセプトの下に短期間で回せるテストをデザインし、その実行から分析、次のフェーズへのrecommendationに至るまでのクライアントのプロセスを全面的にバックアップします。
この他、スキルセッションで学んだOperationalized Theory of Action (OPTA)という政策評価のフレームワークは大変勉強になりました(これも今後のブログで紹介しなきゃですね)。
As you can see from the three links above, this 13-credit course is offered by law school and composed of three elements. In seminar, we applied Evolutionary Learning as a governance model to a variety of case studies, whereas in fieldwork we, using the concept of "rapid-cycle testing", deeply commited to helping the client design, implement, and analyze a test, and offer reccomendations for further improvement. Moreover, Operationalize Theory of Action (OPTA) that I learned in skills session was quite instrumental in establishing evaluation framework. Will need to elaborate on it in the coming posts too!
The workload was more demanding than ever, and my wife recently confessed that I seemed to have no room in mind. But the learning experience with classmates from various schools at six top universities was something that most of other students can never have.
●School Change (Prof. Thomas Hatch) (Grade: will be given P)
Organization: ★★★★☆
Contents: ★★★★☆
Workload: ★★☆☆☆
Relevance: ★★★★☆
Explanation: ★★★★★
こちらはTeachers Collegeの学校改革に関する授業。上のCPRLがあったこともあり、もう1つは負担の軽い科目をという気持ちで取りましたが、大当たりでした!
教授のinnovativeな教え方に加え、Learning Design Projectではsustainabilityに焦点を当て、農場と一体となった高校をデザインすることを通じて、Theory of Action, Curriculum, Staffing, Professional Development, Parent/Community Engagement, Accountabilityといったテーマを現場の視点から捉えることが出来ました。
This school change course is provided by Teachers College. Given the CPRL's workload, I looked for a course that was not quite demanding, and this choice turned out to be more than right. In addition to an innovative teaching style of the faculty, through the Learning Design Project in which we created a school that focuses on sustainability issue and organized around an agricultural land, I could examine issues related to Theory of Action, Curriculum, Staffing, Professional Development, Parent/Community Engagement, Accountability from the perspective of schools. I was also asked by the professor to share my research findings this semester, so I hope this relationship will evolve toward the future.
As a summary, last semester I was able to deepen my understanding of how to reconcile policy and practice, with a focus on education policy. This semester I'm going to take courses on education policy, leadership and management etc., so will introduce them once the schedule is fixed. Please look forward to it!!