
Spring 2017 course 2 - Education Policy & the Management of Instruction -

About K-12 education course that I'm taking this 2017 Spring semester.


1. スクールと教授

今回は公共政策大学院SIPAではなく、全米最古の教育大学院であるTeachers Collegeのクラスです。
This course is offered by Teachers College, not SIPA (but could be counted toward a fulfillment of USP concentration requirement).

教授はこちらのProf Carolyn Riehl。The professior is Carolyn Riehl.

2. 授業構成

Here is the organization of syllabus.

1. The relationship between policy and practice; cautionary notes about policy
2. Goals for education, and articulating a persuasive message
3. Classic readings on education policy; possibilities and limitations of policy as a resource for instructional management
4. Federal education policy and its potential impact on teaching and learning: The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
5. Education policy as a lever for establishing goals for students learning and development; The Common Core State Standars
6. Strong teaching for learning, and classroom environments that help
7. The role of research and policy in improving instructional practice and classroom learning environments
8. Policies related to teacher quality and effectiveness: Focus on teacher preparation and evaluation
9. Assessment and the use of information to improve teaching and learning: Do they help? If so, how?
10. Policies related to assessment, accountability and the management of instruction
11. School organization and leadership in support of instruction
12. Policies that drive effective school leadership and organization (or not)
13. The role of the school district and educational management organizations in instructional improvement: Trying to help
14. Policy Hedgepodge
15. Final presentations; course wrap-up; celebration

3. 特色

As you can see from above, this course focuses on how to reconcile policy and practice, covering various topics such as the role of different actors in K-12 education, teacher quality, assessment, accountability, school leadership and so on.

I personally believe that education policy is not a silver bullet and may do more harm than good, so I have much sympathy with this course's concept.

We have at least 100-pages assignment each week, which we will discuss during the class either in a small group or in response to questions from the prof. She has different ways to engage students in learning, which is also inspiring to me.

4. 評価

Grading is composed of participation, individual presentation, and three assignments below.

①Learning goal blog post (「何を学ぶべきか」テーマを具体的に設定し、それをデータや理論でサポートするとともに外向けのメッセージにする)

②Conditions for learning memo (特定の学習内容について、それを支える教室内外の条件を2つエビデンスでサポートし、さらに政策提言を特定の者に対して行う)

③Policy Commentary (特定の政策を選び、それについての変遷、意図、効果、論評などを行う)

This is my first assignment, although not a great one.




What struck me was that she prepares an outline in each session articulating the objective of each reading and also guiding questions for discussion. Her feedback to my assignment was so detailed (evaluate my work in a multifaceted way according to the grading guideline composed of about ten criteria), which was rare in SIPA.

This course is probably the most informative and inspiring to me, so I made one to three remarks in each session (although most of them are not that insightful). I'll do my best in the remaining classes!

