



Akiko's Story- Becoming a child life specialist 医療環境にある子どもに支援を提…

From east to west coast! Today Akiko, who studied abroad in pursuit of becoming a child …

Midori’s Story at NYU Law –break out of ur shell! 留学は自分の殻を打ち破るチャ…

Welcome back to NYC! I’m happy to introduce Midori who studied at New York University (…

Eri's Episode –No single “study abroad” style 留学のカタチは、1つじゃない。-

Today Eri, who studied at University of Edinburgh's Business School for a year, explains…

YM’s episode –expand online learning to Southeast Asia 東南アジアにオンライン…

Today I'm happy to announce the first working-abroad episode – of YM-san, who is workin…

Nao at Caltech – No excuse if you have a chance! 機会があるなら言い訳無用!

This time, as one of the study/work abroad episodes, I’m going to introduce Nao, who wo…

Takako at UC Berkeley –Dive into a broader world!広い世界へ飛び込め!-

Today I’m going to introduce Takako, who has studied abroad when she was both during hi…

Ken's episode – Our strength as Japanese? 日本人としての強み-

This time, I heard from Ken, who is working in New York City. How can we as Japanese figure out our strengths in a competitive workplace like in New York? Let's see. さて今回は、私と同じニューヨークで海外勤務をされているKenさんからお話を伺いました。日本人がニューヨークの激しい競争環境でどのように自らの強みを見