
Midori’s Story at NYU Law –break out of ur shell! 留学は自分の殻を打ち破るチャンス-

Welcome back to NYC! I’m happy to introduce Midori who studied at New York University (NYU) School of Law. She was my classmate when I was an undergrad, and coincidentally both studied in NYC. Enjoy a quite different episode from mine!

 今回の留学体験記はニューヨークに舞台を戻しまして、New York University(ニューヨーク大学)のロースクールに留学されていたMidoriさんからお話を伺いたいと思います。


1. 留学のキッカケ ~高校時代のホームステイで世界の広さを体感~

(Hiro) でははじめに、留学された時期、場所を教えてください!

(Midori) 2015年7月から2016年5月、NYU School of Lawに留学しました。
 卒業後、2016年7月にニューヨーク州の司法試験(Bar Exam)を受験し、その後帰国しました。

(Hiro) First of all, where and how long have you studied abroad?
(Midori) At NYU School of Law, from July 2015 to May 2016. After graduation I took NY Bar Exam in July 2016, and went back to Japan thereafter.

冬のキャンパス Our campus in winter

(Hiro) どうして留学を志すようになったのか、キッカケを教えていただけますか?

(Midori) もともと高校時代にオーストラリアへ短期留学したことがあったんです。

(Hiro) What brought you to NYU?
(Midori) I once stayed in Australia when I was a high school student. During this two-week homestay I went to an elementary & junior high school that had an affiliation with my high school in Japan, and interacted with students there, which brought home to me how large the world is. I felt at that time there are so much things that you can never notice without going and living abroad. This experience inspired me to belong to ESS as an undergrad. Also as a sophomore I studied in Montreal, Canada for one month where I went to a language school. I chose to study abroad again while working because my job frequently entails English and having a master’s degree in the U.S. and a certificate might put me in an advantage.

(Hiro) なぜ、その大学で、そのプログラムで学ぼうと思ったのですか?

(Midori) 社会人になってからの留学ということで、自分の弁護士としての専門分野をより強化できるプログラムを選びましだ。

(Hiro) Why do you choose NYU School of Law?
(Midori) As I already started to work as an attorney, I chose Law School to further strengthen my expertise, and NYU specifically because it’s located in one of the most influential cities in terms of economy and culture. I expected a diverse cohort of classmates given the large size, which turned out to be true.

大学のすぐ隣にあるワシントンスクエアパーク。色んなパフォーマンスが見れます Washington Square Park right next to our school. You can see a variety of interesting performances here.

2. 出願準備 ~レアジョブやTOEFL対策アプリもフル活用~

(Hiro) 出願に当たって、英語はどのように勉強しましたか?

(Midori) 勉強期間は2013年11~12月、そして2013年9月~2014年9月です(集中的にやっていたのは最後の半年)。
 NYU LawはTOEFL 最低100点が要件だったため、まずそこを目指しました。

(Hiro) アプリを使えると、電車とか移動中に細かい時間を使って勉強ですので、社会人にとっては助かりますよね…!

(Midori) そうなんですよ!後、細かいことですがアメリカのロースクールの出願は以下の代行サイトを通じて書類を提出する形になります。

(Hiro) How did you prepare for application, especially English?
(Midori) Mainly two periods, one bet Nov and Dec 2013 and the other bet Sep 2013 and Sep 2014. NYU Law requires a minimum score of TOEFL 100, so that was my goal. I woke at 6am and studied for 1.5 hours in the morning, plus during lunch time in weekdays, in addition to as much time as possible in weekends. I took a TOEFL course offered by Rarejob to improve my speaking, and used Korean textbooks for reading and listening. Also, I downloaded 10+ apps regarding TOEFL preparation in my cell phone, and used some of these which I thought instrumental.

(Hiro) Using app might be a great idea as you can study even on your way to office or on the train.
(Midori) Exactly. Sort of trivial, but application to law schools are slightly different, as we are supposed to submit documents through LSAC.

3. LLMのプログラム ~女性が大多数の国も、民法からコンプライアンスまで~

(Hiro) では、大学院のプログラムについて詳しく教えてください!

(Midori) NYUのLLM(アメリカには学部レベルでの法学教育がないため、3年コースのJDと、海外で既にロースクールを修了した学生用の1年コースのLLMとがあり、私は後者)は、①Traditional LLM、②Competition, Innovation, and Information Law(競争法、情報法)③Corporation Law(企業法務)、④Environmental and Energy Law(環境エネルギー法)、⑤International Business Regulation, Litigation and Arbitration(国際ビジネス規制、国際紛争)、⑥International Legal Studies(国際法)、⑦International Taxation(国際租税)、⑧Legal Theory(法理論)、⑨Taxation(アメリカ租税法)の9つのコースがあります。


(Hiro) 学生の構成はどうなっていますか?

(Midori) LLMのプログラム全員は400名程度で、15~25名程度が日本人です。

(Hiro) Then please elaborate on your program!
(Midori) My LLM program is composed of these 9 majors; (1)Traditional LLM, (2)Competition, Innovation, and Information Law, (3) Corporation Law, (4) Environmental and Energy Law, (5) International Business Regulation, Litigation and Arbitration, (6)International Legal Studies, (7)International Taxation, (8)Legal Theory, (9)Taxation. Traditional LLM attracts the largest number of students as it gives a broader knowledge base, followed by Corporation Law and International Business Regulation, Litigation and Arbitration. International Taxation is very popular despite its small student body, as NYU is ranked as the No.1 in this area. I chose Traditional LLM attracted by its flexibility and broad coverage.

(Hiro) How does the demography look like?
(Midori) There are roughly four hundred students in LLM, 15-25 of which are Japanese. Mainly from South America (Brazil etc.), Asia (China, Korea, Japan etc.) and Europe (France etc.), but if you color countries of their origin I think most of them in a world map would be colored. Basically, bar certificate or working experience in a legal field is required. Age differs from country to country but averages mid-20s to mid-30s. Gender composition is 50-50 as a whole but some countries attract far more females than males.

(Hiro) 在学中はどんな授業を取られたんですか?

(Midori) 私は、①Graduate Lawyering(英語で法的文章を書く、判例を読むなどの基礎力を身に着けるための授業)、②Corporations(会社法)、③Contracts(民法)、④Contract Drafting(契約書ドラフト) ⑤Professional Responsibilities(法曹倫理)、⑥Securities law(証券法)、⑦Compliance and Risk Management (企業のコンプライアンスとリスクマネジメント)など、比較的仕事に直結する科目を受講しました。

(Hiro) What kind of courses did you take?
(Midori) I took courses directly relevant to my work; (1)Graduate Lawyering, (2)Corporations, (3)Contracts, (4)Contract Drafting, (5)Professional Responsibilities, (6)Securities law, (7)Compliance and Risk Management. Basically 5-7 course per semester, and some majors do not have many electives.

(Hiro) では、大学での「とある一日」のスケジュールはどんな感じでしたか? How did your daily schedule look like?

(Midori) 以下のような感じですね。As follows.
7:30起床 Wake up
9:00-10:15 授業 Class
10:30-14:00 図書館等で予習・課題、合間に友人とランチ Study at library etc. and have lunch with classmates
14:10-16:00 授業 Class
16:00-18:00 図書館等で予習・課題、(場合によっては)NYBarの勉強など Study at library (review, assignment or for NY bar)
18:30 帰宅、家事 Back home, chores
19:30 夕食、しばらくくつろぐ Dinner and relax time
21:00-24:00 予習、課題等 Review, assignment etc.
(但し、飲み会等イベントがあれば18時以降はそちらを優先 Except for hanging out)

4. 留学して感じたこと ~日本のプレゼンスの低さ、条文の暗記より適用に主眼~

(Hiro) 留学前と後でのギャップ(驚いたことなど)はありましたか?

(Midori) 1つには日本の世界におけるプレゼンスの低さです。

(Hiro) 日本のロースクールとの違いなどは何か感じましたか?

(Midori) まずはディスカッションが授業の大部分として予定されていることですね。

(Hiro) What surprised you after coming here?
(Midori) Relatively low presence of Japan as a country in the world, as most of my classmates, although knowing Japan, do not know much about its culture, politics or economy. Another thing is Japan’s low costs despite its living standard, which I noticed while talking with friends from Brazil or Thailand. Lastly my lower English proficiency than I thought, especially with respect to listening to non-native classmates.

(Hiro) Any difference from law schools in Japan?
(Midori) Discussion accounts for a larger part in class here. Even in a large class (50-60 students), they ask questions or express their opinions even while a faculty is talking. Grading does not quite differ, composed mainly of exam and participation, but there are more papers than in Japan. Most of the exams are open-book, which asks us to bring students’ own laptop. I had an impression that application of legal provisions to cases rather than memorizing them were tested.

(Hiro) 留学中に苦労したことを、勉強面でもそれ以外でもあれば教えてください。

(Midori) 勉強面では、教授の話すことは聞き取れても、学生の発言がかなり聞き取りづらいことがありました。英語力の面もあり、予習にかかる時間が日本語の場合の3倍ほどかかり、また日本法の知識が時々邪魔をしました。


(Hiro) それは災難ですね…!私も残りのアメリカ生活で遭遇しないように祈ります。。

(Hiro) Any struggles in terms of study or life?
(Midori) Sometimes I had difficulty listening to classmates’ opinions. Moreover, it took three times as much time as in Japan to prepare for class, coupled with hindrances by my prior knowledge of Japaneses legal system. The coverage of court decisions is quite different, and in the U.S. court decisions has the same effect as legislation whereas in Japanese court decisions need to be crystalized in legislation. As for life, I had to negotiate with many stuff to get fair treatment. Services are slow compared to these in Japan, and they never apologies let alone gave vague answers even though it’s apparently their fault. Once my flight from Oland was delayed for 5 hours, which was originally scheduled at 9pm, but the company did not secure a hotel for us, so I had to call by myself only to get there at 4am. I managed to get some compensation, although not satisfactory.
(Hiro) What a mishap… I hope I won’t encounter whlie I’m here.

(Hiro) 留学中で印象に残っているエピソードはありますか?

(Midori) 日本食パーティーを主催したのですが、日本食、特に寿司は人気でした。ただし、欧州からの留学生には味なじみがないものが多かったのか、主にアジア出身の学生に人気でしたね。
 後は、期末試験の勉強で非常に忙しかった時期に、少し弱音を吐いていたところ、あるクラスメートが「Midori、何言ってるの!あなたは私と一緒に勉強している(くらい賢い)んだから大丈夫よ!」と励ましてくれたことです。そのPositive thinkingに励まされましたね。

(Hiro) 日本人であまり言う人はいないでしょうね!笑

(Hiro) Any lingering episodes?
(Midori) I organized a Japanese cuisine party, and especially sushi was liked by almost everyone, mainly classmates from Asia. Another interesting episode was when I studied so hard for the exam and uttered my worries, and one of my friends said to me that “Don’t worry Midori! You should be fine as you’re here studying with me (so are smart as me)!”. I was pretty much encouraged by her positive thinking.
(Hiro) Not many Japanese won’t say that haha.

日本食パーティ!Japanese Cuisine Party!

5. おわりに ~苦しみも後から振り返れば勉強になる、目的をもって留学を~

(Hiro) では、将来の展望などあれば教えてください!

(Midori) 会社のお金で留学させてもらっていたので、そこで得た経験・人脈を仕事につなげていきたいと思っています。

(Hiro) Any future plans/visions?
(Midori) My study was sponsored by my company, so I would like to make the most of experiences and network that I had during my study in the coming years of my profession. Given the increased number of legal issues that requires international perspectives, I would like to expand my coverage as an attorney.

(Hiro) 最後に、留学を考えている方へのメッセージをお願いします!

(Midori) 留学は自分の殻を打ち破るチャンスだと思っています。

(Hiro) Last but not least, please share you message to those who are considering studying abroad!
(Midori) Studying abroad is one of the best ways to break out of your shell. At the beginning, I was frustrated with what I could not do but even becoming aware of these would be helpful to look at myself more objectively. Moreover, as I had more friends from around the world, the areas of my interest have been expanding. On the other hand, you should not be aimless when studying abroad as you might miss chances of experiences that you can only do so in Japan during that time.

卒業式の様子 Commencement Day

Midoriさん、NYUでの留学生活から日本のロースクールとの違いまで、色々と詳しく紹介してくれてありがとうございました!実はNYU Lawの日本人学生が書いているブログがあって、授業や生活について発信しているので、さらに興味のある方は是非読んでみてくださいね!

Thank you so much Midori for detailing your episodes from studying at NYU Law to comparison with Japan’s law schools. Also please take a look at this blog posted by Japanese students studying at NYU Law!


